Tokens and events in call logs

Note: The content in this topic is for Dragon Voice in on-premise deployments.

Call logs contain standard information provided by Nuance speech products plus events from these sources:

  • The voice application writes custom events. See Application-defined logging events.
  • The voice platform (for example, a VoiceXML browser) writes events such as start and end of calls.

Nuance offers the Nuance Insights for IVR tool to read call logs and generate reports and tuning recommendations. The tool is very useful, but is not required for reading the logs. Because the logs are text files, you can use any text editor or script to analyze the logged data.

How call logs are structured

Each line (record) of a call log file contains a series of token/value pairs that describe a single event. The lines are terminated by newline control sequences; the maximum size of a line is 10 kilobytes.

Within each record the format is:

  • Event codes and tokens are separated by the "|" character.
  • If there is a "|" character in data, it is quoted by inserting an additional "|" character to form the sequence "||".
  • Tokens are always uppercase.
  • Tokens are separated from their values by the "=" character, and a single token can have more than one "=" character.

The following is a sample log record:


All time-related codes log times in millisecond units (unless specified otherwise), and are accurate to within 0.01 second.

Nuance products write log events with the uppercase SWI, KR, NLE, NUAN, or NVOC prefix followed by lowercase letters. For example, SWIrcst is the code for "Recognition Start." To avoid confusion, do not use these prefixes with any user-defined events.

Tokens used for every event

The first entries in each log record are TIME, CHAN (CHANNEL), and EVNT; the last entries are UCPU and SCPU.




System time when the event occurred, in the following format (accurate to within 0.01 second): YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmm.


A unique session identification name provided when the session is created.


Prefix used for event codes (limited to 8 characters; longer names are truncated):

  • Nuance Recognizer uses the prefixes "SWI" and "NUAN"
  • Vocalizer uses the prefix "NVOC"
  • The Krypton recognition engine uses the prefix "KR"
  • The Natural Language Engine (together with the Nuance Text Processing Engine) uses the prefix "NLE"


The current running value of "user" CPU time consumed from the start of the recognition or synthesis. This value is reported in milliseconds, accurate to within 0.01 second.


The current running value of "system" CPU time consumed from the start of the recognition or synthesis. This value is reported in milliseconds, accurate to within 0.01 second.