SWIstnd—step end

The result of a step’s recognition. The type of confirm value returned (confirm, Implicitconfirm, randomconfirm) corresponds to the decision the module made about performing the upcoming confirmation. Thus this is a property of the outcome of the collection, not the following confirmation.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




Recognition Decision. One of:

  • accept—Score was above high confidence threshold, or the module was set to never confirm and score was above low-confidence. Could also be a DTMF that was in-grammar.
  • reject—Hypothesis score was below low-confidence threshold, or a DTMF that was out-of-grammar.
  • confirm—The module will explicitly confirm the hypothesis.
  • randomconfirm—The module will confirm due to random-confirmation.
  • fail—Empty n-best list, due to timeout (but not one on an implicit confirmation), hangup, or other condition.
  • dtmf—DTMF where DTMF handling not enabled by the module.

For a collection, there is one token for each slot logged in the collection’s SWItyst—try start event. For multiple-slot modules, all slots except the root include the slot name in the token value. For example:



(optional) Confirmation type set, either EXPLICIT or IF_NECESSARY.


(optional) Confirmation type used, either ALWAYS, NEVER or IF_NECESSARY.


(optional) Item-specific low confidence level for the returned value (Logged only item-specific level has been set in the grammar)


(optional) Item-specific high confidence level for the returned value (Logged only an item-specific level has been set in the grammar)


Input mode used:

  • spch—Caller used speech.
  • dtmf—Caller used DTMF.
  • hungup—Caller disconnected (some older systems logged this as empty)
  • timeout—Timer expired with no speech detected (logged even when there was an explicit confirmation)
  • unspecifiederror—A known condition not covered above, such as system error or out-of-memory.
  • (Empty string)—An unknown condition, such as hangup, reject, or failure.


(optional) Return value, step dependent (collection or confirmation).


(optional) Sentence (as opposed to slot-based) confidence value returned by the recognizer in this step.


(optional) Outcome of the confirmation; one of:

  • true—Caller confirmed.
  • false—Called rejected the confirmation.
  • command—Caller issued a command, such as help or repeat.
  • corrected—Result was corrected.
  • fail—No value returned; RDEC=fail or reject.
