SWItynd—try end

End of a try. Summarizes the result. In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




Decision made by the module; one of:

  • accepted—Did not need to confirm. Also return this if the result was "help" when context-sensitive help was enabled.
  • confirmed—Caller confirmed hypothesis.
  • corrected—Caller one-step corrected the try and the correction was accepted or confirmed.
  • denied—Caller rejected the hypothesis. Note when the conformation of a one-step correction is subsequently rejected, the result is denied, not corrected.
  • conffailed—Confirmation failed (did not get a value) and the module exited due to a failure (such as maxnomatches or maxnoinputs). This includes when a command was recognized during confirmation and then rejected during confirmation. It does not include when the module reprompted for the confirmation several times but eventually got a result in the same try.
  • failed—Failed for some reason not covered by conffailed, such as rejection, timeout, or hangup).
  • confcmd—Caller said a command during confirmation, including a command that was accepted or that was confirmed yes.
  • dtmf—Response was DTMF, but DTMF handling was disabled.
  • invalid—Invalid response, whether confirmed or accepted. This happens when the recognizer returns a valid response, but a validation routine subsequently determines that the response is not valid for some other reason. For example, a recognizer might validate a credit card number with 16 digits, but a subsequent validation script determines that the number is not a valid credit card number. In this case, the response is invalid.
  • help—Help command when context-sensitive help was enabled.
  • repeat—Repeat command when context-sensitive repeat was enabled.

This token is logged once for each slot token in the SWItyst event. For multiple-slot modules, all slots except the root include the slot name in the token value. For example:



Hypothesis. Logged once for each slot logged in the SWItyst event. One token is logged for each slot that still needs to be filled for this DM at the start of the try.

The value is the collection result except when DSCN is:

  • dtmf (DTMF response when DTMF was disabled), the value is the DTMF string.
  • failed or conffailed, the value is empty.
  • corrected, the value is the collection result (not the confirmation result).