Call log event reference

This topic describes events that commonly appear in call logs.



ANI—Automatic number identification Phone number of the caller.
DNIS—Dialed number identification Phone number that the caller dialed.
Enc—Encrypted content Encrypted content.
ERROR—Generic error Application-defined generic error.
KRrcnd—Krypton recognition end Logged at the end of a Krypton engine recognition. Confirms completion of the Recognize command and of any associated release of resources.

Recognition results are conveyed by KRrslt.

KRrcst—Krypton recognition start Logged at the start of a Krypton engine recognition.
KRrslt—Krypton recognition result Final recognition result received from the Krypton engine.
KRstop—Krypton recognition stopped Krypton engine recognition terminated.

No other tokens are logged, beyond those that appear in all entries.

KRvdld—VocDelta load Domain language models or wordset files are loaded.
NLEinnd—QuickNLP interpretation end Event written just after the interpretation call to the core engine has completed. Includes the output from the core engine.
NLEinst—QuickNLP interpretation start Event written just before calling the core engine to perform the interpretation request. Includes the input to the core engine.
NLEplld—Pipeline load Semantic model loaded.
NLEplnd—Pipeline end Event written just before the response to the interpretation command is returned.
NLEplst—Pipeline start Logged at the start of an interpretation command.
NLErslt—Final result Final interpretation result.
NLEtoknd—Tokenization end Event written at the end of tokenization of input to the interpretation command. Includes the output.
NLEtokst—Tokenization start Event written at the beginning of tokenization of input to the interpretation command. Includes the input.
NLEwsld—Wordset load Dynamic wordset loaded.
NUANtnat—tenant Event written near the end of every call.
NUANwvfm—waveform Event written whenever an utterance is written to an audio file in the call logs.
NVOCactp—ActivePrompt used ActivePrompt used during synthesis.
NVOCadon—add-on application

Vocalizer synthesis used a system add-on application.

NVOCapps—application session Application provided a session and step identifier using SSML <meta>.
NVOCaudf—first audio First audio packet for a synthesis operation.
NVOCaudn—next audio Audio packet for a synthesis operation after the first audio packet.
NVOCcntg—char count

Number of unicode input characters processed in a single speak request.

NVOCcntv—char count combined

Number of unicode input characters for a voice and voice operating point combination processed in a single speak request.

NVOCfrmt—file format File format for Vocalizer-written event log files.
NVOCifnd—internet fetch end Internet fetch ended.
NVOCifst—internet fetch start Internet fetch started.
NVOCinpt—input text Provides the input text for the speak request.
NVOClise—license end Triggered at the end of synthesis. Tokens describe the count of licenses in use prior to freeing the license
NVOClisr—license refused Synthesis operation failed because there was no license available. Tokens describe the count of licenses currently in use.
NVOCliss—license start Triggered at the start of a synthesis. Tokens describe the count of licenses in use after incrementing for the new license.
NVOClock—license lock Logs the time when a license is checked out (locked) during Vocalizer initialization. Shows license features used.
NVOCsynd—synthesis end Logged at the end of synthesis.
NVOCsyst—synthesis start Logged at the beginning of synthesis.
NVOCsysw—synthesis switch Logged when a mid-synthesis voice switch occurs. Tokens report the new voice.
NVOCunlo—license unlock Logs the time a license is released (unlocked).
OSCL—client log entry Internet fetch has started.
SWIacsv—acoustic accumulator save event Event written for each saved statistics file.
SWIacum—acoustic accumulation event Nuance Recognizer collected a statistic as part of its self-learning feature (acoustic adaptation).
SWIapps—application session Application provided a session and step identifier.
SWIaupd—acoustic model update event Nuance Recognizer updated the acoustic model.
SWIcach—caching event Periodic summary of grammar caching activities.
SWIclnd—call end End of session (call to the system).
SWIclst—call start Beginning of session (call to the system).
SWIdbrx—database query completion End of a database query.
SWIdbtx—database query begin Start of a database query.
SWIdmnd—Dialog Module end End of a module.
SWIdmst—Dialog Module start Start of a module.
SWIdsnd—Decision state end End of a Decision node.
SWIdsst—Decision state start Start of a Decision node.
SWIdtmf—DTMF result DTMF string and its value as determined by the grammar.
SWIendcall—Categorizes call outcomes Event logged once per call, as soon as application has determined that the caller is exiting the system.
SWIendp—end pointer Event written for every recognition attempt (where start of speech is detected), whether the recognition was successful or not.
SWIepms—endpointer milliseconds Signals that the external endpointer is done with trying to detect the beginning of speech.
SWIepse—endpointer license end Indicates the endpointer license usage at the end of a call to the system. Duration (in seconds) a license was held for the call.
SWIepss—endpointer license start Indicates the endpointer license usage at the beginning of a call to the system. Triggered at the start of a session.
SWIepst—endpointer start Endpointer start. Reported for each recognition turn.
SWIfrmt—format Identifies the format of call log events written by Nuance Recognizer.
SWIgrld—grammar load Summarizes the loading of a grammar.
SWIhtin—hot insert Indicates a hot insert update to the Recognizer’s acoustic model.
SWIiffi—fetched grammar file Filename of a copied grammar file that was saved for debugging purposes.
SWIlang—Call language Spoken language of the call.
SWIlise—recognizer license end Duration (in seconds) a license was held for the call. Triggered at the end of a session.
SWIliss—recognizer license start Indicates the Nuance Recognizer license usage at the beginning of a call to the system. Triggered at the start of a session.
SWIlock—license lock Time license is checked out (locked) during Recognizer initialization. Shows which license features are used.
SWIlps—Language packs Versions of data packs used for recognition during the session.
SWIphnd—Phase End Logged by multi-phase modules when ending a phase.
SWIphst—Phase Start Logged by multi-phase modules when entering a phase.
SWIppnd—Play Prompt end End of a Play Prompt node.
SWIppst—Play Prompt start Start of a Play Prompt node.
SWIprst—Prompt Start A prompt was played.
SWIrcnd—recognition end Logged at the end of recognition.
SWIrcst—recognition start Logged at the start of a recognition.
SWIrrcn—rejected chunk Recognition failure of a single candidate chunk of audio when the Nuance Recognizer is set to magic_word or selective_bargein_mode.
SWIrrst—recognizer restart Restart of recognition on the next candidate chunk of audio when the Nuance Recognizer is set to magic_word or selective_bargein_mode.
SWIrslt—recognizer result Complete XML recognition result at the end of a successful recognition (SWIrcnd) when a VoiceXML browser requests a result.
SWIstats—recognizer statistics Detailed statistics of Recognizer processing after every recognition event.
SWIstnd—step end Result of a step's recognition.
SWIstop—recognizer stop event Reason the recognizer stopped.
SWIstst—step start event Start of a step.
SWIsum—summary statistics Provides up to four application-defined values to be used in the Application Summary report’s "Customer Specified Sum" metrics.
SWIsurvey—gathers information from callers Survey questions and responses.
SWIsvst—service start Application name (service name).
SWItrfr—transfer event Call was transferred.
SWItynd—try end End of a try. Summarizes the result.
SWItyst—try start Start of a try.
SWIunid—unique call ID Unique ID for the call.
SWIunlo—license unlock Time a license is released (unlocked).
SWIwcr—whole call recording Written whenever a session recording is written to an audio file in the call logs.