SWIendcall—Categorizes call outcomes

This event is logged once per call, as soon as the application has determined that the caller is exiting the system. Reports based on this event provide an understanding of overall call success rates, and they summarize the reasons calls ended without success.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




(optional) Call type; application-specific string. Typically this is the main task the caller is trying to accomplish. If the CALLTYPE is missing, it is assigned the value: "UNKNOWN".

Use the call type to analyze complex applications by the type of call. For example, in a call routing application, CALLTYPE might be the routing type; in an application that supports several main types of transactions such as account inquiry or account transfer, CALLTYPE might be the type of transaction.


(required) Call outcome, as determined by the application.

APP_HUNG_UP—Application hung up, possibly because the caller said “goodbye”.

CALLER_HUNG_UP—Caller hung up to end the call.

TRANSFER—Caller was transferred.

TRANSFER_IVR—Caller was transferred another automated system.


(optional) Exit reason; one of:

AGENT_REQUEST—Caller requested an agent.

APP_ERROR—Application error.

BUSINESS_RULE—Business rule, such as to transfer to an agent to complete a purchase.

COMPLETE—Call was completed within the application.

DB_FAILURE—Database failure.

MAX_ATTEMPTS—Caller encountered the maximum count of errors, such as retry or noinput.


(optional) The last Dialog Module in the call that was not the one that handled the transfer or goodbye condition.

If the application does not create a value for this token, Nuance Insights for IVR determines the last Dialog Module used in the call. The problem with not filling the token is that if all requests for transfer lead to some Dialog Module that handles the transfer, the LASTDM will not indicate where in the application the transfer was actually initiated.


(optional) The last application state encountered.


(optional) Application-defined information field. Use this token to add information not otherwise captured, such as whether the caller heard a prompt before hanging up.

Below are values for the EXITRESN token followed by corresponding INFO values:

  • DB_FAILURE—Status code returned from the database.
  • BUSINESS_RULE—Return code or flag.
  • MAX_ATTEMPTS—The threshold that was exceeded.
  • APP_ERROR—Any information that was known about the error.


(optional) Boolean: true when the caller was serviced by the application. This is application-defined.


EVNT=SWIendcall|OUTCOME=CALLER_HUNG_UP|EXITRESN=COMPLETE CALLTYPE=Reservation|LASTDM=PlayConfirmation_DM|INFO=Caller used credit card information from profile