SWIepms—endpointer milliseconds

This event signals that the external endpointer is done with trying to detect the beginning of speech. In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




The offset in milliseconds from which the prompt started playing to the time it stopped (either due to barge-in, or because it finished playing).

This value is reset to "-1" before the next prompt plays. If no barge-in occurs, this value reflects the total duration of the prompt that was played.


The offset time, in milliseconds, at which the beginning of speech in the signal was detected, with some additional backoff.

For the true start of speech, see the SOS value.

When set to -1, this means that the endpointer timed out.


The offset time, in milliseconds, at which the beginning of speech in the signal was detected. If SOS is set to -1, this means that the endpointer timed out.

If SOS=PD this indicates that there was barge-in, because the prompt stopped at the start of speech.


End of speech time. The default reset value is -1, meaning that the external endpointer did not find the end of speech.

The -1 value is expected when the endpointer is in begin_only mode (see swiep_mode).

For example:


The offset times for event values are calculated relative to the first sample submitted with SWIepWrite.

Note: Depending on the voice platform integration, the information logged in the event fields may come from a platform-proprietary endpointer. If this is the case, the logging behavior may not be exactly as described here for the Nuance endpointer.