NLEplld—Pipeline load

Load command event, logged when a semantic model is loaded.

The Natural Language Engine requires a semantic model to perform an interpretation. Loading of a semantic model results in the creation of at least one initial pipeline instance capable of handling an interpretation request against that semantic model.

The semantic model contains:

  • Nuance Text Processing Engine application linguistic model (ALM)
  • Properties file for internal Natural Language Engine consumption
  • Pipeline data file
  • Optional ECMA script(s) used for post-processing pipeline results

A semantic model is specified by a URI and has an optional ID.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:

Token Meaning
ID ID associated with the semantic model.
IFBYTES Total bytes fetched.
IFCPU Total CPU milliseconds (user and system) consumed during the fetch.
IFTIME Total clock-time milliseconds to complete the fetch.
LDCPU Total CPU milliseconds consumed during the pipeline load.
LDTIME Total clock-time (user and system) milliseconds to complete the loading of the pipeline.
RC Return code for the API call.
TYPE MIME type for the semantic model.
URI URI for the semantic model, as specified in the load command.