NLEplst—Pipeline start

Logged at the start of an Interpret command. Indicates the start of the processing of an interpretation request by the Natural Language Engine pipeline. Includes:

  • ID of the semantic model to use to perform the interpretation, which also determines the type of pipeline used.
  • IDs of any wordsets to activate for the interpretation.

There is one such event per Interpret command.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:

Token Meaning
INPUT Textual representation of the input to the Interpret command. For example, the data portion of the KRrslt event containing encrypted MREC tokens for audio input and text for text input.
LANG Semantic model language; for example "eng-USA".
MODEL ID of the semantic model specified in the Interpret command.
QNLPVER QuickNLP version.
WORDSETS IDs of the wordsets specified in the Interpret command, if any.