NLEplnd—Pipeline end

Logged by the Natural Language Engine just before converting the response to the Interpret command into the requested final format. Includes the final post-processed pipeline output.

There is one such event per Interpret command.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:

Token Meaning
INTENT(0) Intention of the top n-best result.

XML formatted result with all key-value pairs, iterated per acoustic (n-best) result. See below for the list of keys.

Not present when there are no results.


Number of n-best items returned in the result.

Note: For text input, the value will always be 1. If there is no result (NO_MATCH) or an error occurred, 0 is returned.


The recognition engine's confidence in the intent assigned. Values can range from 0 to 99.


Reason for the pipeline termination. For example, if there is something to interpret: "SUCCESS", "ERROR", or "NO-MATCH".


Note: If there is nothing to interpret, see the Krypton return codes in Return codes.

RAWT(x) Raw text for n-best item. Pre-tokenized minimally-formatted form (MFF).
STATUS Status of interpretation response. For example, "complete" or "failed".

Note: The KEYS(x) and RAWT(x) token sequence will appear once for each n-best result returned.

NLEplnd keys

Key Meaning
INTENT Intention assigned to the input. For example, BILL_PAY.
<ENTITY_NAME> Value of the given entity name, where the name is the entity (for example <PAYEE>) and the value is the entity value (for example, VISA). See the examples below.

The recognition engine's confidence in the intent assigned. Values can range from 0 to 99.

WHENCE Origin of the engine result.

The KEYS token is in XML format. The format is flat XML without nesting. For example: