SWIrcst—recognition start

This event is logged at the start of a recognition.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




Indicates whether the acoustic state has been reset:

  • Set to 1 when a recognizer is created or the acoustic state is reset.
  • Set to 0 after the SWIrcst event has been logged. For the second and subsequent recognition events during a telephone call, the expected value is 0, which indicates that the acoustic state has not been reset during the call.


Application name set via the swirec_application_name parameter. If the application name is an empty string, APNM is not logged.


Grammar media type. For example, "GRMT=application/srgs+xml".


Grammar name. (For a parameter grammar, this is the grammar ID.)


Grammar URI, where x is an integer enumerating active speech grammars.


Grammar language. (This field is empty for parameter grammars.)


Recognizer version number. Logged only if ACST=1.


Activation weight of a grammar.

Recognizer logs the URIs of all active grammars at SWIrcst. The URI of the grammars is enumerated and stored in a field called GURIx, where x is the grammar number, starting at 0. For example, "GURI3=http://www.swi.com/mygram.grxml" would be the fourth active grammar. During the SWIrcnd event, the GURIx token refers to the grammar that produced each item on the n-best list.

Here’s a sample SWIrcst event:

TIME=20070820170530214|CHAN=CALL1|EVNT=SWIrcst|APNM=applicationName |ACST=1|GURI0=grammars/flight.grxml|GRNM=grammars/flight.grxml|LANG=en-us|GRMT=application/srgs+xml|WGHT=1|GURI1=grammars/Params1.xml|GRNM=maxloggednbest5|LANG=|GRMT=application/x-swi-parameter|WGHT=|OSRVER=3.2.0|UCPU=0|SCPU=0

This recognition-start event records the recognition start time and the grammars that were active: in this case, the grammars GURI0 and GURI1 are activated in parallel. Because the WGHT token does not apply to parameter grammars, it has no value for GURI1.

If the grammar is built-in, then Recognizer logs just the xml grammar name without the entire URL reference; for example, "GURI1=date.grxml".