SWItrfr—transfer event

Call was transferred.

Note: This event is obsolete and included for backwards compatibility only. Use SWIendcall instead to categorize call outcomes.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




(optional) The application-defined reason for the transfer. Typical values are:

  • OUTOFAPPSCOPE—Caller request is out side the application scope and must be handled by an operator or agent.
  • SYSERROR—Error occurred in voice recognition components.
  • APPERROR—Application error, such as database error.
  • REQUEST—Caller requested to talk to an agent or operator.

It is useful to break REQUEST into SPEECHREQUEST and DTMFREQUEST to see whether callers are tending to "zero out" of the system based on past experience with IVR systems. Also, you can append the name of the currently executing Dialog Module name to the token to identify where callers are leaving the call—alternatively, use the Last DM in the Call listing for this.


(optional) Provides application-specific information about the transfer. For example, it might be the phrase spoken by the caller, or a message indicating the nature of the errors that caused the call to be transferred. Can also specify the last dialog module run before transferring.

Note: Use this field to provide details about the reason for the transfer.


EVNT=SWItrfr|RESN=Requested agent|INFO=DTMF 0