NVOClise—license end

NVOCliss and NVOClise events indicate the licenses used at the beginning and end of a synthesis operation. NVOClise is triggered at the end of synthesis, and the tokens describe the count of licenses in use prior to freeing the license.

In addition to the Tokens used for every event, this event has the following tokens:




License features. A comma-separated list showing which features are associated with the license. This starts with either "tts" for a full TTS license or "cpr" for a CPR-only license, with the remaining tokens for this event reflecting the licenses for just that type. Then it may be followed by one or more modifier features, such as "unthrottled" for a license with audio throttling disabled.


License maximum. The maximum number of available licenses, licenses actually checked out and available for use by Vocalizer.


Licenses used, the current number of synthesis operations.


Overdraft maximum. The number of available license ports, not including overdraft ports.
