Setting diagnostic logging levels

The default logging level for diagnostic log files is STATUS_MSG. To change the level:

  1. Click the Administration tab→Miscellaneous.
  2. Click Logging Level and choose another level from the list.

    For example:

    See Diagnostic logging for a description of the levels.

The Management Station stores diagnostic log files under $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs. The filename takes the form, mserver-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log.

For example, the log file, mserver-20110531153741.log indicates that the Management Station started the current logging session on May 31, 2011 at 3:15:41 p.m. (The hour is based on a 24-hour clock.)

Note the following:

  • Restarting the Management Station starts a new log file.
  • When the log file size reaches 50 MB, a new log file begins. The old file gets renamed mserver-timestamp-bcknum.log, for example, mserver-20110531153741-bck001.log
  • The system keeps a maximum of 10 backup log files. It deletes the oldest files one at a time as needed.
  • The Management Station stops recording log files when it reaches a specified minimum free disk space limit, by default 1 GB.
  • You can manually delete old log files from time to time to save disk space.