Getting alerts when alarms occur

You can configure the Management Station to alert designated recipients when a scheduled report or alarm has been generated. Alert notifications are sent via email or HTTP Posts.

This alerting mechanism has several advantages; for example, it:

  • Saves Management Station users from having to periodically log in just to see if something of interest has occurred. When an alarm occurs or a scheduled report is generated, designated recipients receive immediate notification along with the alarm or report contents.
  • Provides a more secure environment by reducing the number of users accessing the Management Station.
  • Saves you, the administrator, the burden of having to configure, then train users whose only reason for logging in to the Management Station is to check for alarms or look at reports.

Step 1: Select delivery method

To select the delivery method:

  1. Click the Administration tab.
  2. Click Alerting on the toolbar. The Alerting page appears.
  3. Select the delivery method, Email or HTTP Post.

Step 2: Validate delivery method

It is important to verify that the Management Station can successfully send an email or HTTP Post. If the validation fails (for example, in the case of an incorrect SMTP server address or port, a malformed or invalid URL), an error message appears. Fix the error and resubmit the information to complete the validation step.