Configuring HTTPS for Management Station

This topic provides basic guidance on configuring Management Station when setting up secure SSL communications. This procedure is not limited to Dragon Voice users:  any installation with Management Station can use this procedure. For an overview of SSL setup, see Securing connections with SSL/TLS.

Note: Setting up Management Station for HTTPS involves industry-standard mechanisms that are not controlled by the Speech Suite installation. You can use resources such as the Apache Tomcat documentation on SSL/TLS configuration to determine your specific needs.

Configuring HTTPS using a script

When you run the httpsconfig.bat (Windows) or (Linux) script, the script creates a keystore, adds a self-signed certificate to it, adds the keystore information to server.xml , configures the web.xml, and restarts Management Station. If you want to use a certificate obtained from a Certificate Authority, please see Configuring HTTPS for Management Station.