Using Management Station

The Management Station is a grapihcal user interface (GUI) for deploying, administering, and managing hosts running speech services. For example, with just a few clicks, you can add and configure new hosts, modify the configurations to suit your particular setup, and export your configuration to other hosts in the network.

A Nuance network consists of hosts that are configured to run specific services and take on specific roles. Typically, hosts in a Nuance network are usually deployed in clusters.


The services are:

  • File transfer service: Collects call logs and recorded utterances from managed hosts upon a log-import request and sends the data to the Management Station.
  • Krypton service: Dragon Voice recognition engine. Enables raw recognition as well as open-dialog recognition (for large vocabulary continuous speech).
  • Natural Language Engine (NLE) service: Dragon Voice semantic processing and meaning extraction engine.
  • Natural Language Processing service (NLP service): Manages Dragon Voice components (Krypton, NLE, NTpE).

  • Nuance recognition service: Standard Nuance recognition engine (Nuance Recognizer). Performs recognition and natural language interpretation of utterances.

    When running multiple recognition service instances on the same host, the recognition service optimizes system capacity by creating a memory region to be shared by the instances.

  • Nuance Resource Manager service: Optimizes Dragon Voice resources for recognition and interpretation by managing traffic and service requests.
  • Nuance Speech Server: Provides an MRCP standard interface for voice platforms to issue recognition and audio output (text-to-speech or TTS) requests.
  • Nuance Text Processing Engine (NTpE) service: Dragon Voice component responsible for tokenization and normalization of text.
  • Statistics collector service: Collects statistics from services for statistical analysis and billing.
  • Vocalizer service: Provides TTS synthesis.


In a Nuance network, each host has a different function or role to play, and you need to assign services accordingly. When you set up a Nuance network (see How to create the network), you use predefined configurations called roles to assign services to hosts. A role file defines the role and its associated services. To customize the combination of services and hosts, use the sample roles packaged with Management Station as a starting point, then add or remove services as needed. Management Station provides this functionality.

If the selection of roles does not meet the requirements of your deployment (for example, you want to run a different combination of services, or a number of service instances not provided in one of the above roles), see:


Hosts in a Nuance network are usually deployed in clusters. A cluster is a logical collection of hosts and/or other clusters grouped together to perform a function. These functions could be to provide recognition and TTS functions, handle database operations, create hierarchical relationships in a network, and so on.

In the cluster, the hosts can run any combination of services. For example, each host can run all services (default roles) or each host can run a subset of services to create a distributed deployment.

A simple cluster deployment:

  • An application server host: Serves the application.
  • A browser host: Runs the telephony and voice browser services, which take calls and interpret VoiceXML content.
  • A Nuance Speech Suite host: An all-in-one Speech Suite deployment with all services running.

There are three types of clusters: