Generating billing reports

Billing reports (available on the Billings tab) show the runtime use of Speech Suite features as allowed by your license agreement with Nuance.

Management Station generates reports using summarized data. Data summarization occurs automatically every hour. Since the data for hour X are summarized in hour X + 1, there is always a one-hour lag. This means a month is not “complete” until after 1 a.m. of the following month.

Note: All sites must generate billing reports and send them to Nuance. Contact your Nuance account manager for details on this procedure. (Exception: sites with perpetual Nuance licenses do not require billing reports. See Turning off billing and capacity monitoring reports.)

Depending on your license type, the billing reports show:

  • Minutes Usage report: Shows the total amount of time, in minutes, used by recognition and TTS resources in the network for a specific time period.
  • Peak Port Usage report: Shows the maximum number of ports used simultaneously by recognition and TTS resources in the network for a specific time period.
  • Transaction Counts report: Shows the total number of transactions (requests) for recognition and TTS resources for a specific time period.
  • Transaction Counts report: Shows the total number of sessions during a period of time.

In addition your billing reports show the license tier activated for recognition events. The license tier represents the kinds of grammars activated for recognition during conversations and allowed by the license. The tier values are in a range of 1-4 and Premium. For example, simple, built-in grammars with limited word counts are tier 1, and natural-language-understanding grammars with unlimited word counts are tier 4, and Dragon Voice recognitions are Premium tier.

The reports only show the highest license tier activated. For example, if tier 1 grammars and Premium are activated, only Premium appears in the report.

Specifying report filters

You can generate billing reports by month or year. Each report has a summary and details. For example:

Available filters:

  • Date selection: Specify a past month and year. The year cannot be more than three years back.

    The default is the most recent month of summarized statistics.

  • Summary / Detail: The summary report provides totals for the ASR, TTS, and live agent usage across the network. The detailed reports show this information by Company name, as defined in the application's session.xml file. See Configuring application sessions.

Exporting and sending billing reports to Nuance

As part of your license agreement, you must send the report to Nuance on an arranged schedule. For security reasons, this file is encrypted.

  1. Generate a summary or detailed report:
  2. Click Export to Encrypted CSV.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Email the encrypted file to Nuance.

For your own use, Nuance provides a way to export a report in a non-encrypted CSV format.

If Nuance asks you to send a dump of all statistics data for further analysis, navigate to Data ManagementExport Statistics Data to find this feature.