
Speeds recognition time at the cost compilation performance.




0 (feature is off)

How to set

In a grammar using a <meta> tag. See the text on compilation-time parameters in Parameters set in grammar files.


Useful in small grammars because it results in faster recognition speed.


Speeds recognition, but can slow compilation time.

Do not use this feature for large grammars; otherwise you may exceed memory and CPU capacity when the grammar is compiled or activated.

Specifies whether to insert the internal grammar parser into the output binary when the grammar itself is compiled.

This parameter is automatically set for all directory-assistance grammars (see Wordlist (directory-assistance) grammars). The parameter is ignored when it appears in an n-gram grammar.

When this feature is turned on, the grammar might require more time to compile. To avoid incurring a cost at runtime, the grammar can be pre-compiled. (Regardless of whether this feature is used, pre-compiled grammar always load more quickly at runtime.)

The example below shows the feature being turned on in a grammar file:

<meta name="swirec_compile_parser" content="1"/>

Related parameter