
Desired maximum size of the disk and inet caches.


Integer: 1–INT_MAX.

A reasonable range is between 1 and the maximum size of the storage disk.


500 (MB)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


This parameter is only relevant when swirec_disk_cache_enabled is enabled.

The value should always be larger than swirec_memory_cache_size.


Avoids the repeated cost of compiling source grammars by keeping more grammars in the disk cache. (Compilation is the highest cost of grammar load operations.)

This is a system-wide parameter. The setting applies to all applications using Recognizer.

When the total disk usage of all entries in the disk cache exceeds this number, the Recognizer writes a message to the diagnostic log and the least-recently-used cache entries are removed (unless locked) until the cache size reaches swirec_disk_cache_low_water_mark.

Related parameter

See the full list of caching parameters in Fetching and caching parameters.