
Desired size of the memory cache.


Integer: 1–INT_MAX.

Reasonable range: 0–within the memory size of the machine running the Recognizer.

Set to 0 to disable the memory cache.


100 (MB)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Set by system administrators for all applications using the recognition server. Used when troubleshooting systems or sessions that start too slowly. For example, set to a size which is large enough to hold most of the static grammars in the application.

The value should always be smaller than swirec_disk_cache_size.


Higher values keep more grammars instantly accessible, and improves loading times. When values are too high, they cause excessive virtual memory paging.

As a general rule, set below the available amount of available physical memory minus physical memory used by other runtime components.

The value is the desired maximum size of the memory cache, but the actual size can exceed this value. For example, even if you minimize the size with a setting of zero, the cache will expand to fit all activated grammars.

When the total memory usage of all cache entries in the memory cache exceeds this number, the Recognizer writes a message to the diagnostic log and removes the least-recently used grammars from the cache until the total memory usage is below the size set for the low-water mark. (The diagnostic message is written on the first occasion that the size is exceeded; it is not written on subsequent occasions.)

The Recognizer cannot remove active grammars from the memory cache because they are being used. If the total number of active grammar exceeds the memory cache size, a warning is written to the diagnostic log, indicating that the memory cache size needs to be increased.