
Specifies which features in the license file to enable at the start of each session.


A comma-separated list of features.


(all features enabled)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Enables features needed by applications that execute on the current machine, and disables features not needed. This avoids incrementing license counters for features that are not used, and enable a kind of load balancing: administrators can distribute recognition features for a single license across Recognizer hosts.

For example, one Recognizer host can check out a license for large SLMs, SSMs, and robust parsing while another Recognizer host checks out a license for SRGS grammars. The total licenses used is 1.

The value is read during initialization and cannot be changed at runtime. Each individual session is granted the same set of features.

Licensing features are incorporated into the licenses you acquire from Nuance. The needed features are determined in advance and delivered as part of each license you receive. This parameter allows you to enable those features on a per-server basis.

This parameter enables licensing features for each recognition port on the current machine, but only if the features are permitted by the license file. If this parameter enables features that are not permitted, the system writes errors to the diagnostic log. Except for the written errors, the system continues to function normally, but it will not allow access to unlicensed features.

Below, these features are part of the INCREMENT line in a license file:


If enabled in the license file


Permits recognition of DTMF touchtones.





Permits activation of speech grammars. The grammars used for recognition depend on the tier type specified by your license:

  • Tier 1—Boolean, digits, phone number built-in grammars, SRGS grammars, maximum word count = 250 (An SRGS grammar is a closed grammar written in the XML format of the W3C Speech Recognition Grammar Specification.)
  • Tier 2—All built-in grammars, SRGS grammars, maximum word count = 2500
  • Tier 3—All built-in grammars, SRGS grammars, unlimited word count
  • Tier 4—All built-in grammars, SRGS grammars, open grammars, unlimited word count (An open grammar uses natural language parsing such as Statistical Language Models, Statistical Semantic Models, Robust Parsing, and SpeakFreely.)


Permits creation of an endpointer instance.


Permits creation of a recognizer instance.

Note: If you are using a DTMF-ONLY license, you must set this parameter to only "dtmf"; for example:

<param name="swirec_licensing_features">

Related parameters