
Generates warnings when shared memory is getting filled.


Integer: 1–100. A value of 100 disables warnings.


90 (percent)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Set by system administrators for all recognition servers on a host.

Useful for tuning the size of the shared memory region, and monitoring the region over time (for example, adding new applications can change the optimal size of the region).

Set to lower values on a new system. This helps to monitor more closely. For a stable system, reset to the default.


Helps maximize memory capacity on a host. System administrators use this parameter to monitor memory usage and determine the optimal value for swirec_shmem_size.

This parameter sets a threshold for warning system administrators that shared memory is getting full. If the memory used in the shared region exceeds this value, the system writes a warning to the system diagnostic log.

The threshold triggers one warning for each Recognizer process. The system automatically resets the threshold when shared memory drops 10% below the threshold. Then, a warning is triggered if usage again increases to the threshold. For example:

  1. Given two processes, reco1 and reco2, shared memory size of 10 GB, and a threshold of 80%.
  2. When shared memory usage exceeds 8 GB, reco1 and reco2 generate warnings. If used on your system, the Nuance Management Station generates an alarm.
  3. If shared memory usage drops below 7 GB, and again rises above 8 GB, the system generates another set of alarms.

This parameter belongs to a group of parameters that control shared memory. It is only relevant when swirec_shmem_enabled is set. For a complete example, see swirec_shmem_enabled.