
Disables the hot insert feature.


A file path



How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a RECOGNIZE or SET-PARAMS method.

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Occasionally used for a short period of time while moving new acoustic modeling files onto the file system

The hot insert feature loads speech recognition components from disk storage to memory while your system is operating (instead of forcing you to stop the system before performing the updates). For details, see Hot insert of acoustic models.

This parameter specifies a file which, if it exists, prevents hot insert from occurring. The purpose of the parameter is to temporarily disable the hot insert feature while moving new files associated with acoustic modeling onto the file system. By temporarily disabling the feature, you ensure that all needed files are updated simultaneously. (Otherwise, you risk having a version mismatch between two or more co-dependent files.)

Initially, you configure this parameter to the name of a file that does not exist. While the system is running, you temporarily create the file when updating acoustic models:

  1. Create the lock file pointed to by this parameter. The existence of the file disables hot insert. (The contents of the file are irrelevant and are ignored.)
  2. Place the acoustic modeling files onto the file system in their appropriate locations. (The list of files and their locations are not described in this documentation; they are provided as part of a custom speech recognition solution.)
  3. When all the files are present, remove the lock file. This re-enables the hot insert feature.

Related parameter