
Specifies whether Speech Server suppresses URI strings that contain confidential data.



DEFAULT: 0 (disabled, URIs are written)

How to set

If using the Management Station, set on the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set in an NSS configuration file (user-NSSxx.txt).


Useful when the application generates URI strings containing confidential data.

When this parameter is enabled and the security level is "suppress" or "encrypt," Speech Server does not write records containing URIs to diagnostic logs. To control security levels, see swirec.secure_context and switts.secure_context.

By default (disabled), the system writes URIs to diagnostic logs regardless of the security setting. (The system assumes that URIs do not contain confidential data.)

As an alternative to this parameter, you can suppress portions of grammar URIs using the swirec_sensitive_query_keys parameter.

This parameter is relevant when server.log.suppressSensitiveDiagLogs is enabled.