
Sets security levels for protecting confidential data in logs of text-to-speech conversions, typically for a single event.


open, encrypt, suppress

DEFAULT: open (no security)

  • open—No security measures employed. This setting is appropriate for most exchanges between applications and users. For example, for simple navigation menus. However, if the user or application exchanges confidential data, that data can be written to log files or contained in saved audio files.
  • encrypt—The system encrypts any confidential text or audio data. This level requires configuration of an encryption key in the application’s session.xml. (If the key is missing from the configuration, the system rejects the request.) If the application saves whole call recordings (WCR), the system inserts silence in the saved files. Cannot be set at the same time as suppress.
  • suppress—The system suppresses any confidential text from the logs, and does not write audio waveforms. If the application saves whole call recordings (WCR), the system inserts silence in the saved files. Speech grammars can still pass recognition results to the logs, without risking confidential data, using the provided masking and hashing features. Cannot be set at the same time as encrypt.

How to set

In a VoiceXML application, using a <property> element.

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a SPEAK request (not SET-PARAMS).


Frequently set by applications for individual text-to-speech events.

The spelling of this parameter uses "switts." and not underscore.

This parameter provides security for confidential data such as identification numbers or passwords that users might provide to applications. It hides the information in call logs and audio waveforms. For a description of protected data types, and the resulting strings and audio written to log files, see Protecting confidential data.

Note: The switts.secure_context parameter suppresses or encrypts information for the application only. To affect the caller's side of the conversation, use the swirec.secure_context parameter.

See Security levels to protect confidential data for an overview of how the switts.mute_wcr, switts.secure_context, and wcr_encrypt parameters interact with each other.