Protecting confidential data

Nuance speech products can protect confidential data as it moves between processes and gets written to disk. Confidential data might include proprietary information or private data such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, account numbers, and passwords. The data can be DTMF touchtone signals, spoken utterances, synthesized speech requests, recognized speech, saved audio files, or part of whole call recordings.

Note: This protection is only available for voice browsers that use MRCPv2.

During a session, applications can set security levels to protect individual transactions and pieces of information. In response, Nuance speech products encrypt, suppress, or mask data. See Security levels to protect confidential data for an overview of how security parameters interact with each other to protect confidential data when set.

Costs of enabling protection

Using the additional security features has several costs:

  • Added system load. Data encryption and suppression adds a small amount of CPU and memory load.
  • Added development time. Application developers protect data by configuring individual transactions. They decide the scope needed for security purposes (the whole session, a set of operations, or single recognition or synthesis events).
  • Unavailable tuning data. Speech applications need data to improve over time: the recognizer automatically adapts (self-learning), and application developers analyze call logs and audio files for tuning purposes. When data is unavailable, applications improve more slowly, and might have hidden problems that remain uncorrected.
  • Installation complexity. To help with troubleshooting an installation, if you plan measures for network security (for example, TLS), Nuance recommends installing and testing with no security initially, and then adding security in stages (one connection at a time) and testing each addition.

Note: This discussion of confidential data does not include data controlled by applications and voice browsers, or written to their logs, and it does not include inter-process communication between voice browsers and Nuance Speech Server (for example, TLS, SSL or IPSec).

Kinds of data that get protected

When the application sets security levels (for example, to suppress or encrypt information), the system automatically protects logged data:

  • DTMF—The system protects touchtone signals entered by users, submitted for recognition, and saved as text in log files. For example, when the user enters a PIN.
  • Spoken utterances—The system protects user speech collected by the application, submitted for recognition, and saved as audio log files. For example, when the user speaks a secret password.
  • Input text for speech synthesis—The system protects text-to-speech prompts requested by the application, produced by the speech synthesizer, and written to log files. For example, when the application generates a confirmation prompt containing confidential information. The system protects the text input to the synthesizer for audio generation as well as the prompt filenames.
  • Recognized speech—The system protects recognition results returned to the application, and written as text in call logs. For example, when the recognition results contain a credit card number.

    In some cases you may need to keep track of confidential information in the logs, but still prevent it from being fully accessible. Grammar developers can by-pass security measures with the special SWI_safeKey in their grammars. Typically, the key passes a partial recognition result when passing the whole result might be a security risk. For example, it can pass some digits of a credit card number, but not the whole number. To implement a data pass-through (also known as partial masking) in a grammar, see SWI_safeKey.

    Applications sometimes pass data in URI query strings when activating grammars. The first part of the URI fetches the grammar, and the part after the question mark (?) contains ECMAScript data. If the data is confidential, applications can use the swirec_sensitive_query_keys parameter to protect the information.

  • Whole call audio files—The system protects recordings of the whole user session (prompts and utterances) requested by the application, and saved by Nuance Speech Suite. For example, when the application saves whole call recordings (WCR) for analysis or transaction verification purposes. You can either mute parts of the recording or encrypt an entire whole-call recording. See Hiding confidential data in whole call recordings.
  • Diagnostic logs—The system protects confidential data written in diagnostic messages. Optionally, you can protect browser messages and URI strings written to logs (see Controlling security in diagnostic logs).

Output of protected data

When the application requests data encryption, the system protects as follows:

  • In call logs, the system sets the SECURE token (SECURE=encrypt) for all appropriate events, and replaces the confidential values with "_ENCRYPTED."
  • The system encrypts spoken utterances to audio files, and it inserts silence to whole-calling-recording (WCR) waveforms unless explicitly overridden by the application’s use of a WCR muting parameter. See Security levels to protect confidential data and Hiding confidential data in whole call recordings.
  • The encrypted data is also included in an Enc event in the call log. The extension .enc is added to the call log and to encrypted audio files.

When the application requests data suppression, the system protects as follows:

  • In call logs, the system sets the SECURE token (SECURE=suppress) for all appropriate events, and replaces the confidential values with "_SUPPRESSED." The suppressed values cannot be recovered in the future.
  • The system does not write spoken utterances to audio files, and it inserts silence to WCR waveforms (unless explicitly overridden by the application’s use of a WCR muting parameter).

If a grammar uses masking, the recognizer writes the mask string. Frequently, the mask covers part of the value and allows some of the value to appear in the call log; for example, a speech grammar can mask all but the last four digits of a credit card number.

Configuring security levels

Application developers use the switts.secure_context parameters to set security levels for events in their VoiceXML applications. The browser must pass the parameter as a vendor-specific parameter.





Sets security levels for protecting confidential data for a single event.

open (no security)


Sets Vocalizer security levels for protecting confidential data for a single event.

open (no security)

Using encryption security

To encrypt protected data:

  1. Generate public and private keys. For extra security, set a password on the private key. See Generating encryption keys.
  2. Configure the public key in the session.xml. See Configuring encryption
  3. Guard the private key in a secure location. It is required for decryption. Nuance has no access to the private key, and cannot decrypt your data unless you supply the key.
  4. Run an application that sets encryption Security levels. This creates encrypted output data.
  5. For extra security, change keys periodically. See Changing the encryption key.
  6. To decrypt data, use the private key (and password, if used). See Decrypting data.

Decrypting data

The nr_decrypt utility decrypts call logs, waveforms, and diagnostic logs. It accepts a file or directory as input, and can recursively decrypt a tree of files. The utility ignores any non-encrypted files.

The utility accepts call logs as input. The output file omits the .enc file extension. For example, the encrypted myLog-LOG.enc becomes myLog-LOG. (If the input file does not have the .enc file extension, the tool adds an underscore prefix. For example, the encrypted myLog-LOG becomes _myLog-LOG.)

The utility is in the bin directory, in one of these paths:

  • %SWISRSDK%\amd64\bin
  • %SWISRSDK%\x86\bin

If you are running Speech Server without Nuance Recognizer, you can access nr_decrypt in the following path:

  • $NSSSVRSDK/bin

Using masking security

Grammar developers can use SWI_safeKey to pass non-confidential recognition results to log files even if security settings are enabled (swirec.secure_context). Typically, you use the key to pass a partial recognition result when passing the whole result might be a security risk. For example, the recognizer can return only the last four digits of a credit card number, but not the whole number. In the logs, the data appears with the SAFEK token in the SWIrcnd event. See SWI_safeKey.