Configuring Resource Manager

The Nuance Resource Manager registers each instance of each Dragon Voice engine, and responds to application requests by allocating suitable resources for recognition and interpretation.

For a summary of service properties, see Configuring the resource manager service.

To set properties in the Resource Manager configuration file:

  • Windows: %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\config\User-nrm01.yaml.
  • Linux: $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/config/User-nrm01.yaml.

Pointing NLP service to the resource manager

Required. Use resourceManager.urls to point each instance of the Natural Language Processing service to the location of the resource manager.

Pointing engines to the resource manager

Required. You must configure each instance of Krypton engine, NLE, and NTpE for the resource manager. See the Resource Manager sections in these topics:

Configuring the Krypton service

Configuring the Natural Language Engine service

Configuring the Nuance Text Processing Engine service