Configuring the resource manager service

The Nuance Resource Manager registers each instance of each Dragon Voice engine, and responds to application requests by allocating suitable resources for recognition and interpretation.

Management Station displays commonly-used properties on the Settings tab, and the following tables shows some of these properties. (Management Station does not display less-common parameters, but you can add them to the display at any time. For a complete list, see Speech product parameters.)

Service property


Data type


engineKR : pingAtStartup

Delay time before the Resource Manager sends the first ping after a Management Station startup.

INT 45000
engineKR : pingFailCountBeforeRemoval

The number of pings sent by Resource Manager when the connection has an interruption.

INT 10
engineKR : pingInterval

The frequency of pings sent by Resource Manager to ensure the network connection.

INT 5000
engineNLE : overloadLimit

Triggers alarms when an engine instance is too heavily loaded.

engineNLE : overloadTimeWindowMsec

A time window used for gauging the load on an engine instance.

INT 10000
engineNLE : pingAtStartup

Delay time before the Resource Manager sends the first ping after a Management Station startup.

INT 65000
engineNLE : pingFailCountBeforeRemoval

The number of pings sent by Resource Manager when the connection has an interruption.

INT 10
engineNLE : pingInterval

The frequency of pings sent by Resource Manager to ensure the network connection.

INT 5000
engineNTPE : overloadLimit

Triggers alarms when an engine instance is too heavily loaded.

INT 35
engineNTPE : overloadTimeWindowMsec

A time window used for gauging the load on an engine instance.

INT 100
engineNTPE : pingAtStartup

Delay time before the Resource Manager sends the first ping after a Management Station startup.

INT 5000
engineNTPE : pingFailCountBeforeRemoval

The number of pings sent by Resource Manager when the connection has an interruption.

INT 10
engineNTPE : pingInterval

The frequency of pings sent by Resource Manager to ensure the network connection.

INT 5000
http : host

The Resource Manager host where the HTTP listener port (http : port) is defined.

http : port

HTTP port where the Resource Manager listens for requests. (Resource Manager listens to both HTTP and HTTPS.)

INT 9000
httpClient : caCertificates

Certificate authority (CA) files for the service to authenticate server certificates.

httpClient : certFile

Path and filename of the signed certificate file for Resource Manager.

STRING './keys/server.crt'
httpClient : followRedirect

Allows the Resource Manager to treat 3xx responses as redirects. (Applies to both HTTP and HTTPS.)

httpClient : keyFile

Path and filename of a private key.

STRING './keys/server.key'
httpClient : maxRedirects

Specifies the maximum number of HTTP or HTTPS redirects to follow, when httpClient : followRedirect is enabled.

INT 10
httpClient : passphrase

The encrypted passphrase for the service's private keyfile.

httpClient : rejectUnauthorized

When the service acts as a client, this property requires servers to be authorized by valid certificates.



httpClient : requestTimeout

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for an HTTP response before terminating.

INT 4000 (milliseconds)

https : caCertificates

CA certificate file (or comma-separated list of CA certificate files) to use for secure communication with Dragon Voice engines.

https : certFile

Path and filename of the signed certificate file for Resource Manager.

STRING ./keys/server.crt

https : host

The Resource Manager host where the HTTPS listener port (https : port) is defined.

https : keyFile

The Nuance Resource Manager host's private key filename.

STRING ./keys/server.key
https : passphrase

The encrypted passphrase for the service's private keyfile.


https : port

HTTPS port where the Resource Manager listens for requests. (Resource Manager listens to both HTTP and HTTPS.)

INT 9001

https : rejectUnauthorized

When the service acts as a client, this property requires servers to be authorized by valid certificates.



https : requestCert

Requests and verifies a certificate from clients that try to connect to via HTTPS.



log : level

Logging level for Nuance Resource Manager sessions.

STRING status

log : maxFiles

Maximum number of diagnostic log files.


log : maxSize

Maximum diagnostic log file size in bytes.

INT 5242880

registration : host

IP address of the Resource Manager.


registration : port

Listening port where the Resource Manager listens for requests.



registration : protocol Protocol used by the Nuance Resource Manager service to register itself with ZooKeeper. STRING https

zookeeper : servers

IP address and port of each ZooKeeper host in the ZooKeeper cluster. The default port number is 2181.

Note: The list of ZooKeeper addresses must match the list of ZooKeeper nodes in the system. To use this property, you must first set up ZooKeeper with Resource Manager, see Setting up ZooKeeper.