Install paths and environment variables

This topic lists the main environment variables.

Windows installation paths

When you accept the default installation directory, the Speech Suite installer creates these paths:

install_path Contents
C:\Program Files\Nuance

Default root path. Under this root are sub-folders for individual components and other Nuance products (in documentation examples the root is the install_path).

This is the location for all components, services, license manager, and the following:

Recognizer language packs

Vocalizer for Enterprise voice pack 32-bit and 64-bit files

Krypton data pack files

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nuance

Nuance core services 32-bit files

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nuance

Nuance core services 64-bit files


Nuance data directory structure

C:\Program File (x86)\Nuance

Speech Server files

Vocalizer for Enterprise voice pack 32-bit files

When you override the default installation path, you affect these locations:

install_path for custom installation locations Contents

Recognizer language packs

Vocalizer for Enterprise voice pack 32-bit and 64-bit files

Krypton data pack files

Linux installation paths

When you accept the default installation directory, the Speech Suite installer creates these paths:

When you accept the default installation directory (/usr/local):

install_path Contents


Default root path. Under this root are sub-folders for individual components and other Nuance products (in documentation examples the root is the install_path).

This is the location for all components, services, license manager, and the following:

Recognizer language packs

Vocalizer for Enterprise voice pack 32-bit and 64-bit files

Krypton data pack files


Nuance data directory structure


Folder and initial contents created by the installer on any host running the License Manager. The lockswilmgrd file must exist in this location.


Environment scripts

When you override the default installation path, you affect these locations:

install_path for custom installation locations Contents

Recognizer language packs

Vocalizer for Enterprise voice pack 32-bit and 64-bit files

Krypton data pack files

Shared envars

All Speech Suite components use these environment variables:





Linux: /var/local/Nuance

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\Enterprise

All components access the Nuance data directory.

The directory stores data files. For example: user configuration, role files, logs, cache, and utterances.

PROXY_HTTP_CONNECT (none) If you create this variable with a value of 1, Speech Suite uses the HTTP CONNECT method when setting up communication paths with any proxy servers (configured via inet_proxy_server, server.inet.proxyServer, or swirec_inet_proxy_server).
JAVA_HOME (none)

The location of the Java installation that will be used to power the Speech Suite software. This is the location specified by the Java installer at installation time. You must verify that this environment variable exists and that it points to the correct Java installation. For example:

  • C:\Program Files\Java\jdk- (Windows)

  • /usr/java/jdk- (Linux)

Nuance Recognizer envars

The Nuance Recognizer installation sets the following variable:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Recognizer

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Recognizer

Environment variable pointing to the Recognizer installation directory.

Nuance Speech Server envars

The Nuance Speech Server installation sets the following environment variable:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Speech_Server/server

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\Speech Server\server

Installation directory.

Nuance Vocalizer envars

The Vocalizer installation sets the following environment variable:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Vocalizer_for_Enterprise

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Vocalizer for Enterprise

Installation directory for Vocalizer for Enterprise.

(In documentation examples this is what is meant by the Vocalizer install_path.)

Natural Language Processing service envars

The NLP service installation sets the following environment variable:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/nlps

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\nlps

Installation directory.

Krypton recognition engine envars

The Krypton engine installation sets the following environment variables:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Krypton

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Krypton

Installation directory.

Linux: /var/local/Nuance/Krypton

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\Krypton

Directory for storing log and configuration files, SSL certificates, keys, and so on.

Natural Language Engine envars

The Natural Language Engine installation sets the following environment variables:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Natural_Language_Engine

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Natural_Language_Engine

Installation directory.

Nuance Text Processing Engine envars

The Nuance Text Processing Engine installation sets the following environment variable:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/text_proc

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Text Processing Engine

Installation directory.

Nuance Resource Manager envars

The Nuance Resource Manager installation sets the following environment variables:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/nrm

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\nrm

Installation directory.

Linux: /var/local/Nuance/nrm

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\nrm

Directory for storing log and configuration files, SSL certificates, and so on.

Log file locations

The system stores call logs, diagnostic logs, and various data files under a base directory (NUANCE_DATA_DIR), and sets the environment variable to:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\Enterprise

Linux: /var/local/Nuance

Most diagnostic logs are saved to $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs or $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/company-name/diagnosticLogs (if you separate logs for each company you support).

Exception — the NTpE diagnostic logs are stored in $TEXTPROC_HOME/logs (or as configured via log : logFileDir)

For more information, see Diagnostic log files. For information on call logs, see Call log directories and files.

Data pack locations

The data pack installer does not prompt for an installation path. When you install the first data pack on a host, the installer creates the NDP_HOME environment variable, and subsequent installations use the environment variable to construct the installation path.

The default data pack home is:

  • Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Data_Packs
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Data Packs

The individual data packs reside in subdirectories beneath NDP_HOME. The installer creates the directory name with the specific version of the data pack. For example:

  • Linux : $NDP_HOME/ndp-eng-USA-GEN-version/
  • Windows: %NDP_HOME%\ndp-eng-USA-GEN-version\