Diagnostic log files

The system stores call logs, diagnostic logs, and various data files under a base directory (NUANCE_DATA_DIR), and sets the environment variable to:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\Enterprise

Linux: /var/local/Nuance

Most diagnostic logs are saved to $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs or $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/company-name/diagnosticLogs (if you separate logs for each company you support).

Exception — the NTpE diagnostic logs are stored in $TEXTPROC_HOME/logs (or as configured via log : logFileDir)

Separating logs for each company you support

Optionally, you can save diagnostic log files to a directory structure and filename that includes a company name. For example, if your applications serve corporate customers, you can send the diagnostic logs for each customer to a different filepath. To set the actual company name, use the company_name property. To set company-based logging, enable the following properties in the Management Station:


Service property

Nuance recognition service

nrs.DiagLogPerCompany = TRUE (on the Startup Service Parameters tab)

Nuance Speech Server

server.log.diagLogPerCompany = 1 (on the Speech Server Settings tab)

Once enabled, diagnostic log files are saved in:


For example, if the company name were CO1 and you had enabled company logging on the Speech Server and recognition service, the log files would be saved to:

  • $NUANCE_DATA_DIR\CO1\diagnosticLogs\nep-CO1.log
  • $NUANCE_DATA_DIR\CO1\diagnosticLogs\nss-CO1.log
  • $NUANCE_DATA_DIR\CO1\diagnosticLogs\nrs-CO1.log

The examples assume the host is running one Nuance Speech Server. If the host were running multiple Speech Servers, the filename would include the instance number.

Filename conventions for diagnostic logs

Each Nuance speech product writes its own diagnostic logs. The log filename indicates the service generating the output; for example, fts for file transfer service, nrs for recognition service, and so on.

Diagnostic log filename pattern:


Pattern item



Nuance product (abbreviated). If there is more than one instance running, each instance has a different identifier, for example: nss1, nss2, or krypton01, krypton02.


Reserved. Not currently used.


Reserved. Not currently used. Identifies individual servers, when more than one is in use.


Optional. Value of the parameter company_name, if it is set.

Note: "MyCompany" only appears in company mode. (That is, when server.log.diagLogPerCompany is "true".)


Indicates a backup file from rollover. See Setting the maximum size for log file rollover.


The literal string "log" appears for xml log files; for example, Vocalizer logs.


The file extension, "xml" for xml format and "log" for text files.

Output filenames for diagnostic logs

Some services and components require using a configuration file to enable logging levels. You cannot use Management Station to enable logging levels for those services.

Below, num indicates the service instance number, for example, nep1.log, nss2.log, nrs3.log, nrm01.log, krypton01.log, and so on.


Diagnostic Log Filename


File transfer service


Only STATUS and VD_INFO logging levels apply.

License Manager



Management Station


To set logging levels, see Setting diagnostic logging levels.

Nuance recognition service

nrsnum.log—Recognition-specific information, logging output generated by this service and the Recognizer component.

Diagnostic logging is always enabled for this service. To set logging levels you must use the $SWISRSDK/config/defaultTagmap.txt file:

For STATUS and INFO logging level, set the NRS tag to yes.

For VD_INFO logging level, set the NRS_VERBOSE tag to yes.

Optional. Use the tagmap file to enable diagnostic logging on individual components. For example, to enable endpointing, set the SWIEP tag (3100) to yes. (You can enable endpointing on both Nuance Speech Server and Nuance recognition service, and each service writes different information to the logs.)

Nuance Speech Server

nepnum.log—WARNING and ERROR messages, interaction information with other services.

Messages from Nuance endpointer and interactions with Speech Server and other components (such as the watcher service).

Diagnostic logging is always enabled for this service, and the only relevant logging level is STATUS.

To define the output location, use the Recognizer parameter DDiagFileName.

To distinguish endpointer diagnostic logs for multiple Speech Server instances, specify multiple instances of DDiagFileName as command line arguments when starting Speech Server; for example: nep1, nep2.

Optional. Use the tagmap file to enable diagnostic logging on individual components. For example, to enable endpointing, set the SWIEP tag (3100) to yes. (You can enable endpointing on both Nuance Speech Server and Nuance recognition service, and each service writes different information to the logs.)

nssnum.log—MRCP information like socket management, protocols, messages, and so on.

Diagnostic logging is always enabled for this service, and the only relevant logging level is STATUS.

Optional. To enable logging for different internal components, use server.log.diagTagnum in $NSSSVRSDK/config/NSSserver.cfg.

nvs-clientnum.log—BASIC messages about the Vocalizer client, which runs in process with the Speech Server.

Reserved for Nuance Technical Support to diagnose Vocalizer client-server connection problems.

Nuance vocalizer service

nvs-servernum.log— ERROR messages generated by the vocalizer service (the “server” part of the Vocalizer client-server connection).

Reserved for Nuance Technical Support to diagnose Vocalizer client-server connection problems. No logging levels apply.

NLP service nlps.log

All logging levels apply.

Krypton recognition engine kryptonnum.log

See Logging settings. All logging levels apply.

Natural Language Engine (NLE) nle.log

Stored in $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs . All logging levels apply.

If you are not using Management Station, the system appends the port number to the log filename.

Nuance Text Processing Engine (NTpE)

service_num.log or as set in log : fileName.

Stored by default in $TEXTPROC_HOME/logs (or as configured via log : logFileDir, with the filename prefix configurable using log : fileName).

See Logging settings. All logging levels apply.

Nuance Resource Manager


All logging levels apply.

Statistics collector service


Predefined logging levels. To enable diagnostic logging for individual components, use the $SWISRSDK/config/defaultTagmap.txt file and set any of the following to YES:

SC_CLIENT_MSG : 11001 :

SC_INIT : 11002 :

SC_AUDIT : 11004 :

SC_DATABASE : 11005 :

SC_MSG_QUEUE : 11006 :

SC_SERVER_ID : 11007 :

Watcher service


Stored in $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs.

Setting the maximum size for log file rollover

Each Speech Suite component defines the maximum size of its diagnostic logs. When a log reaches its limit, the system closes the file, renames it to a backup, and opens a new, empty file. This is known as log file rollover.

Backup details:

  • The old file is renamed with a numeric or date suffix (YYYYMMDD-X where X is an integer starting at 1 for each date). The filename might include the string bcknum in the filename.
  • The maximum number of backup diagnostic files depends on the service.
Component Example log file Rollover size property
Krypton engine krypton01.log.0

log : maxSize

log : maxFiles

Natural Language Engine (NLE) nle.log-1.gz SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy in Natural Language Enginelog4j2.yaml
NLP service nlps.log-1.gz SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy in Natural Language Processing service log4j2.xml
Nuance Recognizer
Endpointer plus Speech Server interaction log



Nuance Resource Manager nrm01.log.0 log : maxFiles

log : maxSize

Nuance Text Processing Engine (NTpE)

service_9092-11.log ,
service_9092-12.log , and so on

log : maxFiles

log : maxSize

See also log : fileName.

Speech Server


server.log.maxLogSizeMB (in NSSserver.cfg)

Watcher service



The maximum size for the log file is determined by the parameter "DiagMaxFileSizeKB" in the file


When this size is reached, the file is closed and a new one opened. The old file is renamed to watcher-bck001.log. There is only one backup file.

Statistics collector service sc.log


The maximum size is 1MB. The size is not configurable. When this size is reached, the file is closed and a new one opened. The old file is renamed to sc-bck001.log. (There is only one backup file. It is over-written upon the next rollover.)