Configuration parameters

Watcher parameters determine how the watcher starts and runs. Notes:

Parameter Description

Threshold for acceptable memory usage. This is the percentage of system memory used by all processes (including those not controlled by watcher).

Set at initialization or runtime.

The watcher calculates memory usage every 5 seconds, and throws an alarm when this value is exceeded.

Default: 96 (percent)


The IP address for the watcher to broadcast its presence. Use this parameter to manage a set of watcher-daemons from a watcher-daemon. Only daemons running on the same subnet are identified.

Set at initialization only.



UDP ports to monitor watched processes.

Set at initialization only.

To change this port, contact NuanceProfessional Services

Default: 7890


The time in milliseconds for watcher to wait for a reply from a watched process that is quiescing. When the timeout is reached, watcher stops the process.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 30000


The maximum number of pings the watcher can miss before it considers any watched process to be non-responsive. The watcher either restarts the process or stops it, depending on the setting of watcher.RestartOnFailure.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 3


The maximum times for watcher to attempt restarting any watched process. For each watched process, the watcher resets the counter to 0 after receiving a ping from a started process. When the maximum is reached, the watcher removes that process from the restart list.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 3


The time for the watcher to wait for a reply from its internal communications modules when one of those modules is quiescing. When the timeout is reached, the watcher unloads the module.

Set at initialization only.

Default: 30000 (milliseconds)


Defines the port for loading the SNMP module. You can remove this parameter if not using SNMP.

Set at initialization only.

Default: 7161


The allowed delay for the watcher to receive a ping from any watched process. The total time the watcher waits for a ping is the sum of this parameter and watcher.PingTimeoutMs.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 1000 (milliseconds)


Time allowed for any watched process to ping the watcher. The total time that the watcher waits for a ping is the sum of this parameter value and watcher.PingTimeoutDelayMs.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 5000 (milliseconds)


Time that the watcher waits for a reply from any watched process that is quiescing. When the timeout is reached, the watcher stops that process.

Troubleshooting—If the value of this parameter is too low, it can interfere with the graceful shutdown of Speech Server (see server.manager.gracefulremoval).

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: 30000 (milliseconds)


Whether the watcher restarts watched processes when they fail.

Note: Nuance recommends FALSE. Otherwise, the watcher restarts processes that you deliberately abort.

Set at initialization or runtime.

If not using Management Station, set on the startup command of each watchable service. See Starting services without Management Station.

Default: TRUE


A range of TCP ports, reserved for security purposes but not used for communication.

Set at initialization.

To change this port, contact NuanceProfessional Services

Default: 6666-6669


Whether the watcher should expect alarms from watched processes.

Set at initialization or runtime.

If not using Management Station, set on the startup command of each watchable service. See Starting services without Management Station.

Default: TRUE


Shuts down watched processes when the system administrator quiesces the watcher.

Set at initialization or runtime.

Default: TRUE


Watcher listening port

Set at initialization.

To change this port, contact NuanceProfessional Services

Default: 7120


Communication port for watcher's SNMP module and your SNMP manager.

Nuance recommends having one SNMP manager for all hosts in the Speech Suite network. Configure all watcher's on all hosts to the same port.

Set at initialization only.


Relevant when using the Management Station.

The IP address of the primary Network Interface Card (NIC) on the host that communicates with the Management Station. On hosts with more than one NIC, you can specify the address of any NIC. For example, you can use the primary NIC for real-time traffic, and specify another NIC to communicate with the Management Station.

Default: IP address of the primary NIC.

Note: For SNMP trap parameters, see Configuring SNMP.