Configuring watcher initialization: Linux

The Speech Suite installer automatically configures and runs one instance of the watcher service on each host. When watchable processes start on that host, they automatically connect to the watcher.

On Linux, the installer creates scripts to initialize the watcher service with default values and to restart the watcher service service if stops unexpectedly. You can modify the configuration and add parameters that are omitted from the scripts (see Configuration parameters for a list).

Note: In the future when you upgrade to a new version of Speech Suite, the new installation overwrites the initialization scripts (and any customizations you've made). As a best practice, keep track of your customizations and create backup copies when changing the scripts. After an upgrade, re-implement the customizations in the new scripts as necessary.

To configure watcher initialization, repeat this procedure for every host where the watcher service runs, and specify the same values on each host:

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Change to $NUANCE/x86/bin.
  3. Make a backup copy of the nuance-wd script.
  4. Open the nuance-wd file in a text editor, find the section of the script that starts the Watcher Daemon process, and add make configuration changes to the command that appears before the $WD_OPTIONS entry. You can modify values and add new parameters, but do not remove the originally-supplied parameters.
  5. Restart the watcher service (see Starting and stopping the watcher service manually).

For example, if you're running an SNMP v2 manager on host bluebird, and the manager receives traps on port 2092, you would start the watcher daemon like this:

(cd $NSSSVRSDK;$NSSSVRSDK/oam/bin/run watcher-daemon watcher.Modules=snmp wm.snmp.MibDirs=$NSSSVRSDK/data/mibs