Downloading installation packages for Linux

Download the required Speech Suite installation packages:

  1. Log on to the host as root.
  2. Download these files from Nuance Network at Nuance Network:
    • Nuance Speech Suite installation package.
    • If using Nuance Recognizer, get at least one language installation package. (Get languages from the Recognizer 10 recognition engine area.) 
    • If using Vocalizer, get at least one voice installation package.
    • If using Dragon Voice components, get at lease one Nuance data pack installation package and install them on each Krypton and NTpE host. For multi-language scenarios, you can install and configure packs at any time after the initial Speech Suite installation.
    • To set up a multi-lingual environment for Nuance Recognizer or Nuance Vocalizer, see Adding languages and voices.
  3. Change to this directory and extract all compressed packages. If you’re installing on multiple hosts, you can extract the files to a shared network location. For example:
    > tar -zxf Nuance_Speech_Suite-version-x86_64-linux.tgz
    > tar -zxf NRec-language.tar
    > unzip
  4. Continue to Running the Speech Suite installer on Linux.