Running the Speech Suite installer on Linux

Use the Speech Suite setup wizard to install Nuance products on each designated host. Alternatively, you can configure a silent installation from a command line (see Running silent installations on Linux).

Before you begin:

  • You must know which components you intend to install on this host. You do not need to install every component on every host. See Deployment architecture decisions.
  • You must ensure that each host has the necessary capacity for the components. See Required hardware and memory.
  • You must prepare the host with required software and configuration. See Configure hosts.
  • Recommended. If installing Management Station, ensure this host uses static IP addresses. (If you install it on hosts with dynamic IP addresses, ensure that your network can resolve the hostnames. For example, using ping.)
  • Recommended. If you are reinstalling Management Station and you do not want to reuse your existing databases, use the drop database command to remove them. Do this before running the Speech Suite installer.

Linux: You must configure at least 3 GB of shared memory on any host running Krypton or NTpE. For example:

> mount -o remount,size=3G /dev/shm

Running the installer

To run the Speech Suite installer:

  1. Change to the Nuance_Speech_Suite-version directory.
  2. Enter ./ to start the installer.
  3. Read the license agreement. You can press Space to scroll through the license text.
  4. Enter Y to accept the license agreement.
  5. Select the product features to install. The default is all features.

    Note: You can install License Manager, Management Station, and Nuance speech software on one host or on separate hosts. The speech software includes a collection of sub-components that are installed together (and you control which ones to run). For overviews, see Installed components.

  6. Verify the installation location for the selected products or type a new location. The default is /usr/local/Nuance. For more path information, see Install paths and environment variables.

    If you change the default location, you must ensure all permissions for the root user. For example, log in as root and set full permissions

    > chmod -R 755 path-to-customlocation

The remainder of the procedure depends on the features you install. See the topics below.

Configuring the license

If you're installing the License Manager on this host, the installer prompts for the location of your Nuance license file.

Note: It's okay if you do not have your license at this time, but you must load a license later before running services. See Loading license files

Configuring Java

The installer detects your Java installation. Optionally, specify a different path (for example, if to use a Java installation in a different location).

For details, see Install third-party software.

Configuring Management Station

The installer asks for configuration details. Skip this procedure if not installing Management Station.

  1. Enter the port@hostname of your License Manager hosts. The port is always 27000.

    If you haven't set up your License Manager hosts, you'll need to do it before running Management Station. You can update the port@hostname at any time after installation. See Pointing products to a remote license manager.

    When you run a single License Manager on the same host as the Management Station, the value is 27000@localhost.

    You can specify a comma-separate list of License Manager hosts. For example 27000@localhost,2700@myFooHost.

  2. Enter the path to your Apache Tomcat location.
  3. Enter the path to your Connector/J JAR file.
  4. Enter the following information to connect Management Station to your MySQL database:
    • Host: Machine name or IP address where the database resides.
    • Port: Port reserved for the MySQL database. Default is 3306.
    • Schema: Management Station database name. Default is mserver.
    • DB username and password: The MySQL user account you created for the database. The Management Station installation has character restrictions for database passwords. See the list of unsupported characters in Create a MySQL user account.
    • Note: For MySQL, your password policy might require a secure password for the Speech Suite installation to complete successfully. If you are using Management Station and you change the MySQL user account password after installing Speech Suite, you must update Management Station with the new password. See Changing database passwords in Management Station .

  5. Optionally, enable audit logging to log all Management Station user actions. You must have already created the audit database. You cannot enable it at a later time without re-installing Management Station. If you’re unsure, enable it now and then disable or re-enable it at a later time.

    If you do not have an existing audit database, enter No (default).

    • Audit database: Enter the name of the audit database.
    • Enter the audit database user and password (optional). The default is the MySQL user account for the Management Station database. The Management Station installation has character restrictions for database passwords. See the list of unsupported characters in Create a MySQL user account.

    Note: To disable audit logging after installation, set AuditLogging to false in $MSTATION_HOME/mserver/webapps/mserver/config/

Configuring speech components

The installer asks for configuration details for the remaining speech software. Ignore it if only installing Management Station or License Manager.

  1. Enter the address:port pair for the Management Station host. (The hostname can be the hostname or IP address. The port number is always 8080.) If not using Management Station, accept the default value. (The installation will ignore the configuration.)

    Optionally, you can enter the address of an offline, standby Management Station. For example: mtl-venus:8080,mtl-mars:8080. The first entry is the primary and the second entry is the standby.

    Note: To change the Management Station address after installation, modify $NUANCE/data/oam/mserver_hosts.txt and enter the address:port pairs on separate lines.)

  2. Enter the directory path to the extracted packages for the Recognizer language, Vocalizer voice, and the data pack for Krypton and the Natural Language Engine.

    You do not have to select the executable files. The installation recursively scans the specified directory to find and run the executables.

    In the following example, the language and voice packages have been extracted and the executables are located in their own subdirectories under tmp/downloads. You only enter the /tmp/downloads directory.

    Note: All packages in this location get installed. If, for example, you plan to run Recognizer and Vocalizer on different hosts, or use only one or the other, then put the language and voice in different directories.

Ready to install

Review the installation settings, begin the installation, and wait for the installation to complete.

Source the environment variables

You must open a new shell window to source new environment variables:

  1. Open a new session.

  2. Change to /usr/local/Nuance/Speech Server/server and run the command: . ./ to finish sourcing remaining environment variables.

Next steps

If using Management Station, see Testing installations with Management Station.

If you are not using Management Station, see Starting services without Management Station.

If you are not using Management Station, you need to configure every speech software host in a distributed architecture for licensing. See Pointing products to a remote license manager.

Tip: For instructions on installing and configuring multiple languages and voices for Recognizer and Vocalizer on a separate dedicated host, see Adding languages and voices.