Installing MySQL

Note: This topic is for MySQL. Alternatively, see Installing SQL Server.

Except for these instructions, there are no special Nuance requirements and you can follow the vendor instructions for a normal database installation, and take advantage of all tools, features, and deployment architectures. If you have already installed the database, you can confirm the settings and reconfigure if necessary.

Complete these tasks in order, and then continue to Run the installer on Windows or Run the installer on Linux.

Download required MySQL software

The Management Station supports open-source and commercial MySQL, 64-bit versions. See the Release Notes for the supported versions. These instructions use open-source MySQL as an example.

  1. Download the supported MySQL Community Server package to a temporary location on the designated database host.

    Note: download the package from the yum repository.

  2. Extract the file.
  3. You must install the Connector/J on the Management Station host. See Install the Connector/J.
  4. You must install the Connector/C on each host that runs Nuance speech software with the statistics collector service. See Install the MySQL Connector/C.

Install the Connector/J

You must install the Connector/J on the designated Management Station host. See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

Install MySQL

Install MySQL on the designated database host.

Install the MySQL Connector/C

You must install the Connector/C on each host that runs Nuance speech software with the statistics collector service.

Note: Speech Suite does not support the Connector/C++.

The statistics collector service uses the Connector/C to deliver billing information to the Management Station database (The service is included in all provided role files that configure hosts running Nuance speech software).

For example:

Re-use or remove legacy databases

If you have a prior Speech Suite installation with a Management Station database, you can re-use the database with the new Speech Suite installation: the installer allows you to specify existing mserver and audit databases from the previous installation. Alternatively, you can replace the legacy databases. In this case, Nuance recommends backing up and removing the legacy Management Station databases before installing Speech Suite.

If you need to upgrade the database software, it's best to perform the database upgrade before upgrading Speech Suite. See Upgrading database software.

To remove a database, open a command-prompt window and use this command:

> mysql -h hostname -u mserver_username -pmserver_password -e "drop database mserver;"

For example, with hostname, mserver_username ms, and mserver_password msp, the command is:

> mysql -h -u ms -pmsp -e "drop database mserver;"

To remove a saved audit database, use the same command and substitute the audit username, password, and database name.

Configure MySQL

On Linux, edit the /etc/my.cnf configuration file as described below.

Edit the /etc/my.cnf configuration file:

On Windows, edit the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\my.ini configuration file. (Your path might be different. For example, C:\Program Files\MySQL\)

Edit the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\my.ini configuration file. (Your path might be different. For example, C:\Program Files\MySQL\)

Make these changes to the configuration file:

  1. Remove NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER from sql-mode.
  2. Ensure the file contains local-infile=1.

  3. Remove query_cache_size from the file.
  4. Ensure the mySQL installation does not include ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY in the sql_mode setting:
    1. Display the setting with this command:
      mysql> select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;

      Example output:

    2. If ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY appears in the output, remove it. A simple way to do this is to add a new sql_mode setting in your mysql configuration: copy the output text (except for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY), add it to a MySQL system variable "sql-mode" in the mysql configuration, and save the changes.
    3. Restart MySQL and confirm the change by repeating the select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; command.
  5. Ensure that datadir has the path to the new data directory.

    For example on Windows: datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Data"

  6. Ensure that secure-file-priv has the path to the new data directory.

    For example on Windows: secure-file-priv="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads"

Create the database and tables

You must create or reuse a Management Station database (mserver) and its underlying tables. Optionally, you can create or reuse an audit database for logging Management Station user actions.

By default, the database installs to this location:

  • Windows:C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server x.x\data\mserver
  • Linux: /var/lib/mysql/mserver

After creating the database and tables, continue to Create a MySQL user account.

Create a MySQL user account

You must create a user account with specific privileges for the Management Station. (Later, you specify this account during the Management Station installation.)

To create a MySQL user account, use the MySQL client installed on your host running MySQL:

  1. Log in to the MySQL client as root.
  2. Create a MySQL user account for the Management Station database. Repeat the following CREATE USER command to create database user accounts with several hostname formats. (Having multiple accounts with different hostname formats avoids errors when MySQL receives a client request from the Management Station and validates the source host of that request.)

    mysql> CREATE USER 'ms_username'@'ms_hostname' IDENTIFIED WITH MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD BY 'ms_password';

    • ms_usernameNuance recommends ms as the username (because this is the default name used by the Management Station), but you can specify any value. Remember the username and provide it during the Management Station installation.
    • ms_hostname — is where you intend to install the Management Station. Provide all combinations of hostname formats (repeat the CREATE USER command once for each format).
      • Hostname (for example “nuanceHost1”)
      • Fully qualified hostname (for example “”)
      • IP address (for example “”)
      • localhost (if the database is on the same host as the Management Station)
    • ms_password — any password that conforms to MySQL rules and the Management Station rules below. Remember the password and provide it during the Management Station installation.

    The Management Station installation does not support database passwords that contain these characters:

    `Back quote (grave accent)
    [Open bracket
    ]Close bracket
    {Open curly brace
    }Close curly brace
    "Double quote
  3. Repeat these commands for each of Management Station account (once per each ms_hostname format).
    1. mysql> CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'username'@'MS_hostname' IDENTIFIED WITH MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD BY 'password';
      mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mserver.* TO 'username'@'MS_hostname' WITH GRANT OPTION;
      mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mserver_audit.* TO 'username'@'MS_hostname' WITH GRANT OPTION; (if using audit db)
      mysql> GRANT CREATE USER, RELOAD ON *.* to 'username'@'MS_hostname';
      mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    2. Verify that this user is granted privileges on the MySQL database:

      mysql> show grants for 'ms_username'@'ms_hostname';
  4. Continue to Install the MySQL Connector/C.