Configuring Management Station to use a JDK or JRE

If using Management Station on a Windows host, you can configure it to use the installed 64-bit JRE or JDK. For example, if you installed Management Station using a JRE, you can configure it to use the installed JDK or vice versa.

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.
  2. Navigate to your Tomcat \bin directory.
  3. Make a note of the exact filename of the tomcat.exe file. For example, tomcat8.exe.
  4. Run this command for Management Station:
    tomcat8w //ES//NuanceManagementStation
  5. Select the Java tab in the <service> properties dialog.
  6. Edit the path under Java Virtual Machine to point to \jre or \jdk.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat Steps 4-7 for the data collection service and statistics analyzer service using these commands:
    tomcat8w //ES//NuanceMSDataCollection
    tomcat8w //ES//NuanceStatsAnalyzer