Install third-party software

You must acquire and install third-party software before installing or running Nuance Speech Suite,

Note: The best practice is to acquire all needed software and store it in a central location that is accessible to all hosts. Then, install the necessary pieces on each host. (You might not need all required software on all hosts. To determine which pieces are needed on which hosts, see Deployment architecture decisions.)



Operating system

Required. All Speech Suite and Management Station database hosts must run the same operating system, the same version of the operating system, and must use the en-US system locale. (The input locale can be any language.)


Required on each host where you install any Speech Suite software. (Exception: not required on a License Manager host if there are no other Speech Suite components.)

Download and install the supported 64-bit version of the Java JRE or JDK. See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

Once Java is installed, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java installation that will be used by Speech Suite.

If you choose a JDK, ensure this is allowed by your organization's security policy.

Apache Tomcat

Required if using Management Station.

Download and extract Apache Tomcat on the designated Management Station host and make a note of the Tomcat location for the Speech Suite installation. If you already have Tomcat set up, you are not required to remove it. See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

Note: It's important that you download, and extract, a Tomcat package file. If you use an executable file, which installs Tomcat as an application, you might encounter issues, such as port availability, during the Speech Suite installation.

Before installing or upgrading Speech Suite on Linux:

  • Run this command to enable write permissions on the Tomcat logs directory:
    > chmod a+w Tomcat_location/logs

    where, Tomcat_location is the path to your Tomcat directory.

  • For Tomcat 8.5 or higher on Linux, see Configure Tomcat on Linux.

If you upgrade Tomcat after installing Speech Suite, you need to configure Management Station to use the new Tomcat installation. See Updating Management Station after upgrading Tomcat.

Apache ZooKeeper

Required if using Dragon Voice. You can set up ZooKeeper before or after installing Speech Suite. See Setting up ZooKeeper.

Download Apache ZooKeeper (see See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 Runtime packages

Required if installing Speech Suite on Windows Server 2022. Install the following packages:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 Additional Runtime

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 Minimum Runtime

Management Station database

(required if using Management Station)

All Speech Suite and Management Station database hosts must run the same operating system, the same version of the operating system, and must use the en-US system locale. (The input locale can be any language.)



See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

  1. Download and install the supported 64-bit version of MySQL for the Management Station database. See Installing MySQL.
  2. Download and save the MySQL Connector/J JAR file to a location accessible to the Speech Suite installer. See Install the Connector/J.
  3. Download and install the MySQL Connector/C on hosts on which you plan to run the Nuance statistics collector service. See Install the MySQL Connector/C.

Verify that the MySQL service is started. For CentOS 7:

> systemctl start mysqld
SQL Server

You can choose this database product when installing Management Station on Windows hosts. See the Release Notes for the supported versions.

  1. Download and install SQL Server for the Management Station database. See Installing SQL Server.
  2. Download and save the SQL Server Connector/J JAR file to a location accessible to the Speech Suite installer. See Install SQL Server.

  3. Download and install the SQL Connector/C library (ODBC Driver) on hosts on which you plan to run the Nuance statistics collector service. See Install the ODBC Driver.