Changing ownership of Management Station logs

If upgrading Management Station from Speech Suite 11.0.2 (or earlier) on Linux, you must change the owner of the log directories to user "nuance". (Changing ownership is not needed when upgrading from Speech Suite 11.0.3.)

  1. Log in to the Management Station host as root.
  2. Stop the Management Station services: Nuance Management Station, Nuance Management Station Data Collection, Nuance Management Station Stats Analyzer.
  3. Run this command to enable write permissions on the Apache Tomcat logs directory:
    > chmod -R o+rX Tomcat_location

    where, Tomcat_location is the path to your Tomcat directory.

  4. Enable write permissions on the Tomcat logs directory:
    > chmod -R 777 Tomcat_location/logs
  5. Run these commands to change the owner of each log directory to user "nuance":
    > chown -R nuance:nuance $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/diagnosticLogs/*
    > chown nuance:nuance $MSTATION_HOME/mserver/logs/*
    > chown nuance:nuance $MSTATION_HOME/mserverdc/logs/*
    > chown nuance:nuance $MSTATION_HOME/mserversa/logs/*
    > chown -R nuance:nuance $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/system/work
  6. Start the Management Station services.