Installation checklist

Speech Suite has important dependencies, and the combination of products on different hosts can be complex. For a smooth installation, the best practice is to plan the installation in advance and follow the instructions step-by-step.

Note: You must use the same operating system (either Linux or Windows) for all hosts in your Speech Suite network including the Management Station host. Nuance does not support clusters with different operating systems. This requirement does not apply to the License Manager (which can be on any operating system), but does apply to all other components in the Speech Suite installer.

The Speech Suite installation involves completing these main tasks in order:

  Installation tasks Documentation topics

Deployment architecture decisions

Decide the number of hosts needed and which Speech Suite components to install and run on each.

You can skip this step and install all components on one host, but be aware you might need more hardware and processing power.

2 Prepare hosts before installation

Required. Install third-party software, configure the operating system, and set permissions.


Run the installer on Linux

Run the installer on Windows

Required. Install components on all hosts.

The one language installed on the speech host will be the default language for Recognizer, since it is the first language installed.


After the installation

Required. Complete the configuration.


Start services

If using Management Station, see Testing installations with Management Station.

If not using Management Station, see Starting services without Management Station.