Prepare hosts before installation

You must complete these tasks before installing Speech Suite on any host.

  Installation tasks Documentation topics
1 Required hardware and memory Recommended. Ensure that your hardware supports the installation.

Install third-party software

You must acquire and install third-party software on each host before installing or running Nuance Speech Suite,


Configure hosts

You must configure the operating system on each host before installing Speech Suite.

Nuance currently tests and supports this product on hosts set to the en-US locale. Running on other locales might affect recognition accuracy and application performance. Nuance Recognizer uses C locale standards for file processing regardless of the machine's current locale setting. For example, this applies to configuration files, diagnostic logs, and call logs.


Configure Tomcat on Linux

You must install Apache Tomcat software on each Linux host where you install the Management Station.


Get a license file

Recommended. Get a license file before running the Speech Suite installer, and store it on every host where you will install the License Manager. Doing this allows the installer to load the license manager on your behalf, and this is easier than configuring it manually after the installation.


Install a database

Required if using Management Station: you must install a MySQL or SQL Server database. Ignore this topic if not using Management Station.

Note: You must use the same operating system (either Linux or Windows) for all hosts in your Speech Suite network including the Management Station host. Nuance does not support clusters with different operating systems. This requirement does not apply to the License Manager (which can be on any operating system), but does apply to all other components in the Speech Suite installer.