Running silent installations on Windows

You can install the Nuance Speech Suite silently from the command line with the /silent option. The silent option allows you to install using a script, for example. You do not need to stop or restart services, which the installer does automatically during the upgrade.

Before you begin:

  • You must know which components you intend to install on this host. You do not need to install every component on every host. See Deployment architecture decisions.
  • You must ensure that each host has the necessary capacity for the components. See Required hardware and memory.
  • You must prepare the host with required software and configuration. See Configure hosts.
  • Recommended. If installing Management Station, ensure this host uses static IP addresses. (If you install it on hosts with dynamic IP addresses, ensure that your network can resolve the hostnames. For example, using ping.)
  • Recommended. If you are reinstalling Management Station and you do not want to reuse your existing databases, use the drop database command to remove them. Do this before running the Speech Suite installer.

Note: If the syntax contains errors, such as incorrect format or invalid values, the installation might switch from silent to standard or not complete successfully.

Required options

If running Speech Suite components on different hosts, instead of running all components on the same host (the default), the ISFeatureInstall= option is required. For example, to install Nuance speech software (NSS), such as Vocalizer and Recognizer, only:

> "C:\tmp\downloads\Nuance Speech Suite 11.0.exe" /debuglog"C:\tmp\downloads\install.log" /log"C:\tmp\downloads" /silent LICENSE="Nuance license location" JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\version" SUPPLEMENTSPATH="language and voice location" ISFeatureInstall="NSS"

If you are running a silent installation or upgrade in a script file, prefix the call to the installation or upgrade command with start "" /wait. The prefix ensures that the command completes before returning execution back to the script. For example:

> start "" /wait "C:\tmp\downloads\Nuance Speech Suiteversion.exe" rest of command...

After the installation has completed successfully, continue to one of the following topics:

Summary of silent installation options

The following table describes all options for a silent installation on Windows. Values with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes (" ").






Not applicable

Installs the Nuance Speech Suite silently (no prompts).


No default

Creates a debug log for the suite installer.


No default

Creates logs for each installed product.


(install all products)

Comma-separated list of one or more specific products to install. For example, NLM, NMS, NSS. By default, all products are installed.

  • NLM = Nuance License Manager
  • NMS = Nuance Management Station
  • NSS = Nuance speech software


C:\Program Files

Installation path to the Nuance directory. This doesn’t affect installation of Windows Common Files and location of 32-bit features.

License Manager


No default

Path and filename of license file.

Management Station



Address of the host running the License Manager.


No default

64-bit Java JRE or JDK location. If not specified, Speech Suite locates the installed Java and sets the property to this location.

TOMCAT_HOME= No default Tomcat location. If the path contains spaces, enclose the path in double quotes.


No default

The full path and filename of the installed Connector/J. If not specified, Speech Suite attempts to find the installed Connector/J and set the CONNECTORJ property to this location.

As a precaution, always specify CONNECTORJ with a silent install.

MS_DBTYPE= mysql

Type of database to use for the Management Station: mysql for MySQL or sqlserver for SQL Server.

MS_DBHOST= localhost

Name of the Management Station database host.


Port for accessing the database host. Default is 3306 (MySQL) or 1433 (SQL Server).

Not required when using MSSQL_INSTANCE.

MS_DBSERVICE= mysql Service type for the Management Station database: mysql for MySQL or sqlserver for SQL Server.



Username for the Management Station database (mserver) user account.



Password for the Management Station database (mserver) user account. For MySQL, your password policy might require a secure password for the Speech Suite installation to complete successfully. If you are using Management Station and you change the MySQL user account password after installing Speech Suite, you must update Management Station with the new password. See Changing database passwords in Management Station .

Note: The Management Station installation has character restrictions for database passwords. See the list of unsupported characters in Create a MySQL user account or Create a SQL Server Login.If the password contains the following characters, type ^ before each one to escape them: ^ & < >. For example, you type password My<Pass>123^ as My^<Pass^>123^^



Boolean to enable audit logging, which records all user actions on the Management Station. Set to TRUE to enable.



Name of audit database to be created.



Audit database username.



Audit database password.

Note: The Management Station installation has character restrictions for database passwords. See the list of unsupported characters in Create a MySQL user account or Create a SQL Server Login.If the password contains the following characters, type ^ before each one to escape them: ^ & < >. For example, you type password My<Pass>123^ as My^<Pass^>123^^


Instance name for an MS SQL database if the instance name is different from the name of the default instance.

Either MSSQL_INSTANCE or MS_DBPORT is required. (If you specify both, the instance is used and the port is ignored.) 

MS_DBSCHEMA= mserver Name of the schema for the Management Station database.

Nuance speech software



Comma-separated list of Management Station addresses.


No default

Directory containing the extracted language packages for Recognizer, voice packages for Vocalizer, and data packs for Krypton and and Natural Language Engine (specifically for NTpE). Speech Suite recursively scans the specified directory for the installation executables.


No default

Full path and filename of the Connector/C library (DLL) to use with the statistics collector service:

  • MySQL: Path and filename for the MySQL Connector/C. For example: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector.C\lib\libmysql.dll
  • SQL Server: Path and filename for the ODBC Driver. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\version\KeyFile\1033\sqlodbc_keyfile.dll

If not specified, the Speech Suite installer attempts to find the installed Connector/C and set the CONNECTORC property to this location. As a precaution, always specify CONNECTORC with a silent install.