Upgrading Speech Suite software for version 11.0.4 or later

To upgrade Speech Suite software, run the Speech Suite installer on each host in one of the following ways:

  • Standard upgrade: Use the installer interface to perform a manual upgrade.
  • Silent upgrade: Use the command line to configure a silent upgrade. For example, use a script.

You do not need to stop or restart services. The installer does this automatically during the upgrade. The installer does not upgrade data packs. To install new data packs, see Managing data packs.

If you need to upgrade the database software, it's best to perform the database upgrade before upgrading Speech Suite. See Upgrading database software.

If your system is set up in a distributed architecture and you are using Management Station, upgrade Management Station first (before other hosts).

Note: Schedule the upgrade to run during a time when system use is low to minimize potential impact on callers. Nuance recommends that you upgrade clusters in a single maintenance window, if possible. Otherwise, schedule your maintenance window so that you have enough time to upgrade an entire cluster during each window.

Upgrade compatibility details

Applications should still function properly after upgrade. However, you must test thoroughly before using them in production environments.

You can upgrade from Speech Suite 11.0.4 (and later) to this release. You cannot upgrade directly from any other version.

Back up the system before and after the upgrade. Backups from previous versions are not compatible with 11.0.4 or later. Use the backups as reference copies of your custom configurations.

If upgrading from 11.0.4 or if you have an earlier version, you must remove all engines from the Zookeeper database before installing this release: remove all entries under these folders: /Engines/KRYPTON, /Engines/NLE, /Engines/NTPE. You can do this manually with the Zookeeper client.

Required change for Dragon Voice

At least one data pack is required.

Standard upgrade

Silent upgrade

Review the prerequisites before starting. See Preparing for upgrades. Perform a backup to ensure you have a copy of the custom configurations as a reference. The upgrade procedure will preserve your custom configurations.

Note: If the syntax contains errors, such as incorrect format or invalid values, the installation might switch from silent to standard or not complete successfully.

After performing the upgrade, perform a backup of the system to ensure you have a copy of the new version of the configuration.

Note: After the Speech Suite upgrade is complete, all Management Station user accounts, including the default 'Administrator' account will be locked. The Administrator user must then proceed to unlock all accounts and once a given user account is unlocked, the given user will be forced to change their passwords when they log in for the first time (using the default password). See Upgrading Management Station for steps to unlock all user accounts and update the given user passwords, along with any SMTP server email configuration passwords (if the SMTP server email configuration was previously configured).