Configuring Recognizer diagnostic logging

Nuance Recognizer writes diagnostic logs (also known as trc logs) through a mechanism called TRC, which allows flexible control over the content and destination of logged information.

The Recognizer configuration files are located at:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Recognizer\config\
  • Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Recognizer/config/

Set these parameters in the Recognizer’s SpeechWorks.cfg or as environment variables.

  • The Nuance Recognizer installation creates a default SpeechWorks.cfg on your system.
  • Environment variable settings take precedence over the SpeechWorks.cfg file. If a SpeechWorks.cfg parameter is also set as an environment variable, the environment setting is used (the SpeechWorks.cfg value is overridden). See also, Install paths and environment variables.




Sets an output file where log messages are written. For example: $NUANCE_DATA_DIR/trc.log

Use this parameter when starting the recognition service. If using Management Station, set on the recognition service. If not using Management Station, set on the startup commandline.


Defines how often to reload the tagmap files from disk.


Maps diagnostic log messages into any language.


Maximum size of the diagnostic log file.


Writes diagnostic logs to a file, stdout, or both.


Suppresses timestamps in TRC diagnostic logs.


Paths to Recognizer tagmap files for TRC diagnostic logging.

System administrators can enable verbose text to debug specific problems. This is done by setting flags in tagmap files, usually at the request of Nuance technical support.


Paths to application tagmap files for custom TRC diagnostic logging.

Set specific diagnostic tags with the swirec_diag_tags_enable parameter to control Recognizer’s logged output. This is typically set in a session.xml file.