
Instructs NLE to use the Nuance Resource Manager to locate a suitable Nuance Text Processing Engine resource for tokenization.




true (enabled)

How to set

In Management Station, set on the Natural Language Engine service. If not using Management Station, set in the NLE configuration file (User-nle01.properties, see Configuration roadmap).


Recommended to be set to true. See notes below.

The default value (true or false) in Management Station depends on the host configuration:

  • When NLE is co-located on the same host with other components including the Resource Manager, the default value is true. No changes are necessary. This is the recommended value.
  • When NLE and NTpE are co-located on the same host without other Nuance services, the default value is false to enable services to start, and to support a scenario in which NLE will rely on its co-located NTpE instance for tokenization (using ntpe.uri) rather than locate an NTpE resource using the Resource Manager (for example, to support a single language only and limited traffic). Since this scenario, intended for very small deployments only, is not scalable, Nuance recommends as part of your initial system configuration that you:
    • Set this value to true.
    • Update nle.host with the hostname (recommended) or IP address of the host.
    • Update rm.uris to point to the hostname or IP address of the Nuance Resource Manager host.

For more information on the Nuance Resource Manager, see Resource manager features.