Configuration roadmap

Each Nuance speech product installs with a default configuration. When your application receives a telephone call, the MRCP client starts a session with the Nuance Speech Server, and sets properties on behalf of the voice platform and the application, including a session.xml, which is the most practical and convenient way for applications to customize and tune the system.

Configuration mechanisms

There are different configuration mechanisms at different levels of the product stack.

The mechanisms inherit values in a simple order. From lowest to highest precedence: 

  • The application developer uses a session.xml to define session-level parameters used by the application. Developers of the voice platform must provide a way to specify the location of the session.xml file. (This mechanism is similar to specifying the initial application URI with certain dialed phone numbers.) See Configuring application sessions for a description of session.xml parameters.
  • The system integration provides an MRCP client that passes the application’s session.xml to a Nuance Speech Server at call initiation. The client add settings for the voice platform, and interprets runtime properties set by the application:
    • For properties defined by the VoiceXML specification, the MRCP client translates the property into a standard header.
    • For properties defined by Nuance speech products, the MRCP client passes the parameters without translation as vendor-specific properties (VSPs).
  • The Speech Server provides access to speech resources. It uses NSSserver.cfg to provides a default configuration for low-level communications between the voice platform and Nuance components. You can override the defaults: if using the Management Station, set properties on each instance of the Speech Server service. If not using Management Station, set properties in each NSS service configuration file (User-nssxx.txt).
  • Each Nuance speech product has a default configuration mechanism generally known as a service configuration file. You can override the defaults: if using the Management Station set properties on each instance of the product's service. If not using Management Station, set properties in each service's configuration file.

How service configuration files works

Speech Suite provides templates for configuring services. Each service instance requires a configuration, and the templates are models for those configurations. For example, two instances of the Krypton recognition engine require two configurations, and because the configurations are typically identical (or almost identical) they can begin from copies of the templates.

Services Template configuration files (do not edit) Service configuration files (copies of the templates)


See Configuring Krypton.

Natural Language Engine


See Configuring NLE.

Natural Language Processing service


See Configuring the NLP service and Configuring channel support for the NLP service on Linux.

Nuance Text Processing Engine


See Configuring NTpE.



See Configuring Recognizer and Configuration without the Management Station.

Resource Manager


See Configuring Resource Manager

Speech Server


See Configuring Speech Server



See Configuring Vocalizer.

Watcher service (not applicable)

See Configuring watcher and SNMP.

Note: You can edit copies of the templates but do not edit the original template files. If you do, your changes are over-written by future Speech Suite upgrades.

Configuring log files

The services write diagnostic logs and call logs for troubleshooting, tuning, and reporting. The logs are an historical record of events, waveforms, and relevant application milestones.

See Logging for Nuance speech products.