NLP service parameter reference
In Management Station, set on the Natural Language Processing service. If not using Management Station, set in the NLP service configuration file (, see Configuration roadmap).
Topics in this section include:
- httpClient.executorMaxThreads
- httpClient.followRedirects
- httpClient.hostNameVerificationEnabled
- httpClient.keystore
- httpClient.keystorePassword
- httpClient.maxConnectionsPerDestination
- httpClient.maxRedirects
- httpClient.requestTimeout
- httpClient.truststore
- httpClient.truststorePassword
- licenseManager.address
- numberOfLicenses
- resourceManager.urls
- resultNbestExtraKeys
- server.port
- server.ssl.enabled
- server.ssl.key-alias
- server.ssl.key-store
- server.ssl.keystore-password
- showEntityConfidence
- suppressSensitiveData
- webSocket.policy.maxTextMessageBufferSize
- webSocket.policy.maxTextMessageSize