
Minimum size for memory cache entries (grammars).


Positive integer

Reasonable range: 0–swirec_memory_cache_size


0 (kB)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).


Set by system administrators for all applications using the recognition server. Occasionally used for tuning when the cache tends to get cluttered with small grammars, and thus prevents some larger grammars from remaining in the cache.

This parameter specifies a minimum size for entries (grammars) in the memory cache. Entries smaller than this size are not stored in the memory cache. Since the cost of reading a small grammar from disk cache is small, such small grammars do not use much space in the memory cache. (However, these small grammars are automatically brought into the cache when activated, are available from the cache during the period of activation.)

Related parameters