
File that loads grammars during Recognizer initialization.


Path of the preload file



How to set

Shown in precedence order (see Rules of parameter precedence):

Set in the browser, using the Vendor-Specific-Parameters header in a RECOGNIZE or SET-PARAMS method.

If using the Management Station, set on the Nuance recognition service.

If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file.


Set by system administrators for all applications using the recognition server.

Frequently used to avoid runtime delays (while telephone callers are waiting) for loading large grammars or non-default language models.

Typically used for systems with a single-tenant because all recognizers load the specified grammars (and most likely the grammars are not useful to other tenants).

This parameter loads grammars (and their associated language models) before application sessions begin. By default, the recognizer loads models for the default language. But if the preload file contains a grammar in a non-default language, the recognizer will load the models for that language too.

The preload file is an xml file that contains a list of grammars to be preloaded.

When using this preload feature, copy the default preload file to a system- or application-specific location, edit the file to add the desired grammars, and set this parameter to point to the file. Doing this avoids any chance of overwriting your custom version of the xml file during any future Recognizer upgrade.