This topic describes how to extract meaning from recognized text by combining statistical semantic models (SSMs) with traditional SRGS grammars and SLMs. You can do this for any language installed for Recognizer.

Although the combination of statistical language models (SLMs) and robust parsing technologies offers a flexible method for developing advanced natural language dialog applications, they still require that you write grammar rules for interpreting the spoken utterances. That can be problematic when expected responses to the prompt may range widely.

For example, suppose your application transfers a caller to a live agent when there is a problem with a bill. There may be too many different ways that callers express that they have a problem for an SRGS grammar to handle:

  • “I think my bill total is wrong”
  • “You overcharged me for January”
  • “You sent the invoice to the wrong address”

With SSMs, grammar rules are optional: you can import grammars when parts of an utterance are best represented by a constrained SRGS grammar, but this is not required. Instead, an SSM evaluates the probable intended meaning by looking for certain key words and combinations of words. Always use an SSM with a confidence engine, which greatly improves the overall accuracy of the entire system.

For a suggested approach to the SSM creation and tuning process, see Process lifecycle for SSMs.

An overview of SSMs

A combined SLM/SSM is useful when it is hard to predict the exact phrases a caller might use, but the grammar can still assign one of a pre-defined set of labels based on combinations of key words that appear in the utterance.

A typical use for an SSMs is a call routing application, where a caller is routed to the correct destination based on the spoken utterance. In these applications, a caller may answer in different ways; but there is only a single slot to be filled, and that slot usually corresponds to the topic or the correct destination.

Other typical examples include customer service, and technical support. Here are some examples of dialogs that are well-suited for an SSM:

  • One-step application routing:


    How may I direct your call?


    I want to check the status of my order.


    I can help you with that. What is your order number?

  • An SSM is also useful to cover prompts that ask about product items with long, formal names that callers will abbreviate in numerous ways:


    What type of printer do you have?


    It’s an LC three-sixty.


    Let me check... yes, we have cartridges for the LC-360 color laserjet in stock.

  • Finally, an SSM can be used in situations where callers do not know their precise goals, but where the application can predict categories for the goals:


    Support hotline. What seems to be the problem?


    I lost my wallet and my employee ID was in it.


    Please hold while I transfer you to the security desk..."

A combined SLM/SSM works best with applications that classify a caller’s utterances in order to determine the application’s response.

How SSMs work

A statistical semantic model determines the meaning (or semantics) of recognized sentences. This meaning is calculated by models that are based on statistically-trained words and phrases.

The following diagram shows a simple example of how the SSM might rank the probabilities of a sentence that can be associated with multiple meanings:

Here, the combination of words "long-distance call" narrows down the number of possible activities, while "charge to my home" is most likely to refer to a request to charge a call. Recognizer’s interpretation is weighted accordingly.

Training files

Like SLMs, SSMs are trained from XML-formatted training files. A training file contains sample sentences, their meanings, test sentences, and configuration parameters. During training, SSMs use patterns found in example sentences to assign meanings to words, and rank each meaning’s statistical possibilities.

As with an SLM, the quality of the training sentences determines the quality of the generated SSM. The training set for the SSM is likely to be a representative subset of the SLM training sentences. While this is not strictly necessary, it is often convenient to use the same real data if possible. See Data collection for training files and Data collection for SSM training files.

Once the SSM has been created, a confidence engine model for that SSM is also trained, using a separate training file. The training process is similar to an SSM: you create a training file (much simpler than an SSM training file), and submit the file to an iterative training tool. Again, the sample audio files used for the confidence engine training file are likely to be a representative subset of the SSM training sentences, if this is at all feasible.

For details on the training process for both SSMs and confidence engines, see Training files and Confidence engine models.

Data collection for SSM training files

Like all other natural language techniques, an SSM must be trained from transcribed sentences in an XML training file. Typically, you need at least 500 training sentences for each meaning to create an SSM, and difficult recognition tasks require far more—easily 2,000 sentences for a call routing application that asks an open-ended question, such as: "How may I help you today?". See Very large training files.

In addition, more sentences are needed for testing. The test set sentences must be independent of the training sentences. To create a large number of sample sentences for training and testing, use the following process:

  1. Define the categories of sentence meanings and the labels.
  2. Write questions that elicit enough information to apply a label to utterances.
  3. Collect example utterances in response to the questions.
  4. Label the example utterances with label names.
  5. Divide the sentences into training and testing data.

Wrapper grammars

When developing an SSM, you will have to use wrapper grammars in order to link it with its associated SLM. There are two principal functions for wrappers:

  • When training the confidence engine, the wrapper grammar groups the SSM and its related SLM (the .ssm, .fsm, and .wordlist files).
  • When using the final SSM, the wrapper grammar adds the confidence engine model, grouping the .fsm, .wordlist, .ssm, and .conf files.

For details, see Using in applications (wrapper grammars).

Multiple, parallel SSMs

You can activate more than one SSM at the same time. Together, they are called parallel SSMs, because they operate simultaneously on the recognized sentences.

To assign values to multiple slots using SSMs, the alternative to specialized, parallel SSMs is to have a single, comprehensive SSM that classifies all meanings for the task. This might reduce the effort for creating the training file and generating the SSM (one training file, one set of sentences, one cycle of SSM generation and tuning), but it also has disadvantages: it is less modular and re-usable, and may require much more training data to achieve the same accuracy (a multiplication of permutations with the combined sentences, versus the sum of permutations for two SSMs).

For a more complete discussion of parallel SSMS, see Parallel SSMs.

Override grammars

When you use SSMs, you can create wrapper grammars to specify combinations of grammar files. The wrappers let you mix SSMs with other grammars.

You can also specify the priority of grammars in a wrapper, a feature known as override grammars because it gives some grammars precedence over others. Instead of activating the grammars in parallel, the wrapper activates them in order of precedence. For example, if a higher priority SRGS grammar has a successful parse at runtime, Recognizer would ignore a lower priority SSM. The SSM would then not be used unless the SRGS grammar failed to match.

You do not need override grammars when your training files are large and very representative of your meanings. However, they are very useful for:

  • Fallback strategy: Providing an SRGS grammar to recognize predicted utterances, and an SSM as a fallback to capture unpredictable utterances.
  • Performance strategy: Attempting recognition with an SRGS grammar first, because the CPU and memory costs are less. This is identical to the fallback strategy, but with a different purpose.
  • Compensation strategy for smaller training files: Adding rules for interpretations (slot-value destination pairs) that are not well-represented in the training data set because of low frequency or small training set size.
  • Dynamic strategy for a changing application: For example, you could use dynamic override grammars to add phrases that a caller might say in response to a temporary promotional commercial or to include new meanings that haven’t been trained yet.
  • Tuning strategy: Add an SRGS grammar to an existing SSM to handle evolving application needs. For example, after deploying an SSM you might detect new utterances that are not anticipated by the SSM. Instead of re-writing and re-training the SSM, you could write an SRGS grammar to cover the new sentences. For this scenario, you might reverse the priority of the grammars: first attempt recognition with the SSM, then the SRGS.
  • Fixing common errors that persist after you’ve trained the SSM: Generalizations of common errors in the training set are good candidates for override grammars. (However, long utterances in the training data set that are unlikely to occur again are not good candidates for override rules.)
  • Personalization: For example, you could use caller-dependant, dynamic override grammars to cover phrases that are more likely for a specific caller.
  • Commands: For example, you could add universal command phrases.

Override grammars are always optional. If used, you normally add them after adding interpretation features. The interpretation features improve the performance of the SSM classifier, while the override grammars improve the performance of the application. For information on interpretation features, see Feature extraction and ECMAScript. See Wrapping SSMs with override grammars.