resourceManager : urls

Hostname or IP address and port (usually 9001) of the Nuance Resource Manager listener,


String. A comma-separated list of all deployed resource managers. (If you have more than resource manager on one host, they must use different ports.)

In Management Station enclose the value in square brackets [ ].

Format: [https://hostname:port,https://hostname:port]

Example:, (different hosts, same port)

Example:, (same host, different ports)

You can use the hostname or IP address of the host. Do not use localhost or the loopback address (



How to set

Set on the Nuance Text Processing Engine service in Management Station. If not using Management Station, set in the NTpE service configuration file (User-ntpexx.yaml, see Configuration roadmap).


Set by system administrators during initial system configuration.

The Nuance Text Processing Engine uses the URL when registering its capabilities as a resource. This enables Nuance Resource Manager to allocate suitable resources at runtime.

When you set up secure connections (see Securing connections with SSL/TLS), the host name in this property must match the value of Common Name (CN) specified in the server certificate of the Resource Manager (as specified by httpClient : certFile). To explain, when NTpE registers itself with the Resource Manager, the resource manager returns its server certificate and the CN value must match the connection URL of this property. For example, if NTpE registers via, then the server certificate configured for Resource Manager must have a CN that is set to (and not simply machineXYZ).

The default value in Management Station depends on the host configuration:

  • When NTpE is co-located on the same host with other components including the Resource Manager, the value is set for you. No changes are necessary.
  • When NLE and NTpE are co-located on the same host without other Nuance services, the default value is the local host and port 9001. Nuance recommends setting this parameter in your initial system configuration so NTpE can register as a resource across the entire Speech Suite system. In addition, set resourceManager : enabled to true, and update resourceManager : ntpeHost with the hostname (recommended) or IP address of the host.

For more information on the Nuance Resource Manager, see Resource manager features.